
Bring alpha, topmost, maximize, fullscreen window support for gvim

Primary LanguageC


gvimtweak is a simple plugin to bring alpha, topmost, maximize, fullscreen window support for gvim. It is a fork of vim-scripts/VimTweak and vim-scripts/gvimfullscreen_win32 and ianwjhalliday/gvimfullscreen_win32. The reason I create this plugin is I want all features of them and without too much config.

Supported platforms:

  • Windows 32/64bit (Compiled by Visual Studio 2015)


Manual Install

  • Clone this repo
  • Copy lib/* and plugin/* files to your 'runtimepath' directory (see :help runtimepath).


If you use vim-plug, you can update automatically.

if has('win32') || has('win64')
  Plug 'zhmars/gvimtweak'


  cd lib && nmake && nmake clean


gvimtweak preview

Configuration Examples

" alpha value (180 ~ 255) default: 245
let g:gvimtweak#window_alpha=240

" enable alpha at startup
let g:gvimtweak#enable_alpha_at_startup=1

" enable topmost at startup
let g:gvimtweak#enable_topmost_at_startup=0

" enable maximize at startup
let g:gvimtweak#enable_maximize_at_startup=0

" enable fullscreen at startup
let g:gvimtweak#enable_fullscreen_at_startup=0

" nnoremap<silent> <A-k> :GvimTweakSetAlpha 10<CR>
" nnoremap<silent> <A-j> :GvimTweakSetAlpha -10<CR>
" nnoremap<silent> <A-t> :GvimTweakToggleTopMost<CR>
" nnoremap<silent> <A-m> :GvimTweakToggleMaximize<CR>
" nnoremap<silent> <A-f> :GvimTweakToggleFullScreen<CR>
nnoremap<silent> <F11> :GvimTweakToggleFullScreen<CR>

Inspiration and special thanks