
Ming's Own Tiny Blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MOTB, the Ming's Own Tiny Blog.

A website designed to be my personal blog and a demo.


  • Server: MongoDB + Compojure + Ring
  • Front end: Backbone.js + Require.js + jQuery + Bootstrap + Sass
  • Plugin: Pagedown.js



  1. Download mongodb from here
  2. Use SASS to compile sass files at resources/sass and set output to resources/public/css
  3. Run it: mongod
  4. Set up a new db called motb by using the console mongo.

Run development server:

lein ring server 8080


  • Optimizing:
    1. Download r.js
    2. Change pwd to resouces/public.
    3. Run it using the config file: resources/pubic/build.js r.js -o build.js
    4. Replace the public file by public-build.
  • Generate war file lein ring uberwar
  • Put it to any server that support .war file such as Tomcat.


Copyright © 2013 Ming

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.