- 1
Unit test failure of conminx
#15 opened by vgrechin - 2
Error when running make
#13 opened by baichen111 - 0
where may I download file ?
#12 opened by baichen111 - 5
Is there w64 version of binary?
#11 opened by hgeorge21 - 0
Add skewness and kurtosis
#9 opened by robsmith11 - 1
Better to include the content of k.h in this repo instead of downloading during compilation
#8 opened by lwshang - 10
Cholesky Decomposition Fails for Larger Matrixes
#7 opened by pindash - 1
- 6
Compiling on Windows using MSYS / gfortran
#4 opened by lcota - 0
isnan redefined in k.h
#3 opened by zholos - 0
add NLopt optimization routines
#1 opened by zholos - 0
disable specific libraries in configure
#2 opened by zholos