
WebRTC builds for Android

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

WebRTC Build for Android


This is a WebRTC build with Java bindings packaged for Android.

NOTE: Threema specific patches may have been applied in these builds!


This package is available on Maven Central (starting with version 91.0.1). It includes the WebRTC PeerConnection build for ARM and x86, both 32 and 64 bit builds.


compile 'ch.threema:webrtc-android:91.0.1'



Target Commits

These are the target commits for the releases:

The builds are created using webrtc-build-docker.

Patches / Build config

v91.0.1 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

Like v91.0.0, but packaging was upgraded to Gradle 6.8 and the maven-publish plugin. Starting with this release, the library will only be published to Maven Central.

v91.0.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

 5162 2021-04-09 13:22 patches/disable-dtmf-and-comfort-noise.patch
15479 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/disable-unused-audio-codecs.patch
  815 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/dont-leak-video-orientation.patch
  743 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/dtls-cipher-suites.patch
  818 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/enable-cbr-by-default.patch
 8831 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/expose-crypto-option-aes-128-sha1-80.patch
 3628 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/expose-video-capturer-state.patch
49010 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/fix-rtp-header-extension-encryption.patch
 1750 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/force-dtls-1_2.patch
 2439 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/only-resolve-uuid-mdns-hostnames.patch
 2615 2021-04-09 13:00 patches/srtp-cipher-suites.patch

v84.2.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

Like v84.1.0, but with the following additional patch:

3636 Nov 10 16:37 patches/expose-video-capturer-state.patch

v84.1.1 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

Like v84.1.0, but based on commit 963cc1ef1336b52ca27742beb28bfbc211ed54d0.

v84.1.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

Like v84.0.0, but with the following additional patch:

12394 Jun 22 15:23 patches/fix-data-channel-message-integrity.patch

v84.0.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

 3603 May 26 13:53 patches/disable-dtmf-and-comfort-noise.patch
15479 May 26 13:53 patches/disable-unused-audio-codecs.patch
  815 May 26 13:53 patches/dont-leak-video-orientation.patch
  743 May  7 15:55 patches/dtls-cipher-suites.patch
  818 May 26 13:53 patches/enable-cbr-by-default.patch
 8831 Jun 15 15:18 patches/expose-crypto-option-aes-128-sha1-80.patch
 4718 Jun 15 15:17 patches/expose-offer-extmap-allow-mixed.patch
34276 May 26 13:53 patches/fix-rtp-header-extension-encryption.patch
 1750 May 26 13:53 patches/force-dtls-1_2.patch
  614 May 26 16:02 patches/libsrtp-two-byte-rtp-header-extension-crypto.patch
 2439 May 26 13:53 patches/only-resolve-uuid-mdns-hostnames.patch
 2615 May 28 10:26 patches/srtp-cipher-suites.patch

v83.1.1 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

3.6K May 26 13:53 patches/disable-dtmf-and-comfort-noise.patch
 16K May 26 13:53 patches/disable-unused-audio-codecs.patch
 815 May 26 13:53 patches/dont-leak-video-orientation.patch
 743 May  7 15:55 patches/dtls-cipher-suites.patch
 818 May 26 13:53 patches/enable-cbr-by-default.patch
5.0K May  7 15:55 patches/expose-crypto-option-aes-128-sha1-80.patch
2.3K May  7 15:55 patches/expose-offer-extmap-allow-mixed.patch
 34K May 26 13:53 patches/fix-rtp-header-extension-encryption.patch
1.8K May 26 13:53 patches/force-dtls-1_2.patch
 614 May 26 16:02 patches/libsrtp-two-byte-rtp-header-extension-crypto.patch
 864 May 26 15:39 patches/objc-rtcstats-export.patch
2.4K May 26 13:53 patches/only-resolve-uuid-mdns-hostnames.patch
2.6K May 28 10:26 patches/srtp-cipher-suites.patch

v83.1.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false):

3.6K May 26 13:53 patches/disable-dtmf-and-comfort-noise.patch
 16K May 26 13:53 patches/disable-unused-audio-codecs.patch
 815 May 26 13:53 patches/dont-leak-video-orientation.patch
 743 May  7 15:55 patches/dtls-cipher-suites.patch
 818 May 26 13:53 patches/enable-cbr-by-default.patch
5.0K May  7 15:55 patches/expose-crypto-option-aes-128-sha1-80.patch
2.3K May  7 15:55 patches/expose-offer-extmap-allow-mixed.patch
 34K May 26 13:53 patches/fix-rtp-header-extension-encryption.patch
1.8K May 26 13:53 patches/force-dtls-1_2.patch
 614 May 26 16:02 patches/libsrtp-two-byte-rtp-header-extension-crypto.patch
 864 May 26 15:39 patches/objc-rtcstats-export.patch
2.4K May 26 13:53 patches/only-resolve-uuid-mdns-hostnames.patch
 817 May 13 10:23 patches/srtp-cipher-suites.patch

v83.0.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1)

  • dtls-cipher-suites.patch
  • expose-crypto-option-aes-128-sha1-80.patch
  • expose-offer-extmap-allow-mixed.patch
  • srtp-cipher-suites.patch

v81.1.0 (WEBRTC_COMPILE_ARGS: symbol_level=1 enable_libaom=false)

12392 Jun 23 09:01 patches/fix-data-channel-message-integrity.patch
 8201 Jun 23 09:01 patches/fix-sctp-pointer-leak.patch


Releases to Maven Central are signed with the following PGP key:

pub   rsa4096 2016-09-06 [SC] [expires: 2026-09-04]
      E7AD D991 4E26 0E8B 35DF  B506 65FD E935 573A CDA6
uid           Threema Signing Key <dev@threema.ch>

Local testing

Create a local publication (usually at $HOME/.m2/repository/):

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Include it in your project like this:

repositories {


Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Threema GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <see LICENSE-APACHE file>
or the MIT license <see LICENSE-MIT file>, at your option. This file may not be
copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.