Tencent Server Framework is a coroutine and Swoole based server framework for fast server deployment which developed by Tencent engineers.
- PHP Based. Compared with C++, the framework is more efficient in developing and programing.
- based on Swoole extension. powerful async IO, timers and other infrastructure capacity can be used in this framework.
- support PHP coroutine. Synchronous programing is possible using the coroutine schedule system, and can lead to the similar server capability with that of server deveoped in an asynchronous way.
- support server monitor and provide interface to add more rules
- php5.5+
- Swoole1.7.18+
- linux,OS X
- Tencent Server Framework can help you to start your server quickly,you just need to set a few settings
vim server.ini
;server type:tcp,udp,http
type = http
; port
listen[] = 12312
; entrance file
root = '/data/web_deployment/serv/test/index.php'
;php start path
php = '/usr/local/php/bin/php'
; worker process num
worker_num = 16
; task process num
task_worker_num = 0
; dispatch mode
dispatch_mode = 2
; daemonize
daemonize = 1
; system log
log_file = '/data/log/test.log'
cd /root/tsf/bin/
php swoole testHttpServ start
- Support Cmds: start,stop,reload,restart,status,shutdown
- we support different network protocols: TCP,UDP,HTTP
$tcpReturn=(yield $this->tcpTest());
$udpReturn=(yield $this->udpTest());
$httpReturn=(yield $this->httpTest());
public function tcpTest(){
$ip = '';
$port = '9905';
$data = 'test';
$timeout = 0.5; //second
yield new Swoole\Client\TCP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);
public function udpTest(){
$ip = '';
$port = '9905';
$data = 'test';
$timeout = 0.5; //second
yield new Swoole\Client\UDP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);
public function httpTest(){
$httpRequest= new Swoole\Client\HTTP($url);
$header = array(
'Content-Length' => 12345,
yield $httpRequest->get($url); //yield $httpRequest->post($path, $data, $header);
- Beside that,we also support Muticall:
- you can use Muticall to send TCP,UDP packets at the sametime
- when all the requests come back,return to interrupt
$res = (yield $this->muticallTest());
public function muticallTest(){
$calls=new Swoole\Client\Multi();
$firstReq=new Swoole\Client\TCP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);
$secondReq=new Swoole\Client\UDP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);
$calls ->request($firstReq,'first'); //first request
$calls ->request($secondReq,'second'); //second request
yield $calls;
Your contribution to TSF development is very welcome!
You may contribute in the following ways:
- Repost issues and feedback
- Submit fixes, features via Pull Request
- Write/polish documentation
Apache License Version 2.0 see http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html