
Snippets collection for Javascript Daily Tasks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Snippets collection for Javascript Daily Tasks

 * Determines if a number is within [min, max] and returns it (or the capped values)
 * @param  {number} value Value to check
 * @param  {number} min   Minimum value
 * @param  {number} max   Maximum value
 * @return {number} capped value
function minMax(value, min, max)

 * Helper function to get a value from a object with a dot-notated String
 * @param  {object} obj         [description]
 * @param  {string} indexString Dot-notaded path string for the property to get
 * @return {mixed}              The property given through the path string,
 *                              or the object itself, when indexString is a falsy value
 *                              or undefined, when the indexString is invalid or not in the object
function objectGet(obj, indexString)


Copy and implement _dummy.js files in scripts/ and tests/ folder.


Run mocha in order to execute the unit tests.


The MIT License (MIT) - zhongdeliu