
This is a repo for myself to learn React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


this is a simple demo for myself to learn react-router V4.0, and here are so much experience I had summed up.


1 . download the repo

git clone https://github.com/zhongdeming428/react-router-demo.git

2 . change the directory to 'react-router-demo'

cd react-router-demo

3 . install all the dependencies

npm install

4 . you can start a local server

npm start


some useful repos :

  • showdown ---> turns the markdown file to html file easily
  • fdaciuk/ajax --- pure ajax module, easy to use


React-Router-Demo on my individual web server

I did not configure the web server, so that you may get 404 Not Found when you refreshed the website.

React-Router-Demo on GitHub Page