
a check-version spring service demo for interview

Primary LanguageJava

Version Check Service Demo from Zhongjie Shen

Where to test

Local - default port is 8080

  1. In terminal, under your project directory and run ./mvnw spring-boot:run to build
  2. test the endpoint on Postman: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/version/check.

Cloud - AWS (Available until Oct 10, 2020)

  1. check this Link to see if the server is online (You will see "Hello World from Zhongjie Shen" if the server is up)
  2. test the endpoint on Postman:

How to test

You can send the POST request from Postman directly LINK
Here's an example JSON body

    "firstVersionId": "3.1",
    "secondVersionId": "2.2.0"

Project Highlight

Build Tool

This project is built with Maven on Spring Boot v2.3.4.


  • VersionCheckController.java
  • VersionCheckService.java


  • VersionCheckServiceUnitTest.java
  • VersionCheckControllerIntegrationTest.java (TODO)


  • AWS EC2
  • EC2 Security group
  • Tomcat 9
  • Java 11

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhongjis/ My AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Badge