
📦 Gulp4 前端自动化工作流配置 (Gulp4 workflow config)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gulp4 工作流配置(Gulp4 workflow config)

简介 - Introduction

简单实用的前端自动化工作流配置,基于 Gulp4.x Simple and practical front-end automated workflow configuration based on Gulp4.x

特性 - Features

  • SASS (CSS preprocessor)
  • 图像压缩和转Base64 (Images compress & save base64 image)
  • JS压缩 (JavaScript compressor)
  • 热加载 (Hot reload)
  • 一套环境多项目共存 (Multi-Project Builds)
  • ES6转换 (Babel)
  • 自动添加CSS前缀 (Autoprefixer)
  • 移动端适配方案 (Pixels / Rem / Viewport)
  • 反向代理(HTTP proxy)
  • Webpack打包(Webpack)

目录结构 - Directory structure

+ project_file_name                 // Project folder(Example)
    + Build                         // Production folder(Output floder)
        - etc...
    + dist                          // Pevelopment folder(Output floder)
        - etc...
    + dist__test                    // Test folder(Output floder)
        - etc...
    + src                           // Source code
        - images                    // Image folder
        - js                        // Script folder
        - lib                       // CSS/JS library
        - scss                      // Style folder
        - project.config.js         // Project custom config
- .gitignore                        // Exclude files from git
- gulp.env.js                       // Gulp environmental config
- gulp.config.js                    // Gulp custom config
- gulpfile.js                       // Gulp config
- package.json                      // Dependency & Module list
- README.md                         // Documentation
- webpack.config.js                 // Webpack config
- yarn.lock                         // Yarn

环境要求 - Pre Required

如果你已经全局安装了 gulp 请先删除旧版本后再安装
If you've previously installed gulp globally, please remove the old version

$ npm rm --global gulp
# or
$ yarn global remove gulp

全局安装 gulp-cli
Install the gulp command line utility

$ npm install --global gulp-cli
# or
$ yarn global add gulp-cli

安装方式 - Installation

# 安装 - Using npm or yarn
$ npm i ublue-gulp-config
# or
$ yarn add ublue-gulp-config

# 安装依赖 - Install dependency
$ npm install
# or
$ yarn install

使用方法 - Used

# 项目初始化 - Project initialization
$ gulp init

# 环境启动 - Start it
$ gulp

环境切换 - Using environment variables

# 发布测试环境 - Build for test environment
$ gulp init --test

# 发布生产环境 - Build for production environment
$ gulp init --build

# 清理生产目录 - Clean up development or production
$ gulp clean

# 清理指定环境目录 - Clean up the specified environment directory
$ gulp clean --test



更新日志(Release History)

2020-03-11 v1.1.4 - update README.md v1.1.3 - fix NPM config v1.1.2 - update imagemin-pngquant

v1.1.1 - fix NPM config

v1.1.0 - 个别插件过旧,处于安全因素进行替换,并重构部分代码

v1.0.1 - 添加示例 - 查看该版本存档

v1.0.0 - 初始发布