
2048 game base on pure erlang

Primary LanguageErlang

0 . prework

Windows intall erlang and set erlang PATH.

**1. config **

  • change your center name in game2048.hrl, format as : game2048_center@IP

  • for example: game2048_center@

      change ./bat/center_server.bat node name       : game2048_center@IP

2. compile

	double click ./bat/compile.bat

3. set center_server up

double click ./bat/center_server.bat

4. run game2048 client

double click ./bat/player1.bat

5. Tip

  • 5.1 press down

    |  Left:A | Right:D | Up:W  | Down:S  |
  • 5.2 Save game : File -> Save game

  • 5.3 play game with other : online -> signup (set a new name) -> click "<-" button right to begin

  • 5.4 chat with other : write msg in blew dialogue, print Enter to send msg.

If you just want to play alone, you can :

erl -name test -pa "./ebin/"

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