
Functional, Practical, a scala ssh library

Primary LanguageScala

Cable - scala ssh library

A SSH client lib that is Functional, Monadic

It's scala, It's purely functional, monadic.

Practical, Functionality rich

Cable is functionality-rich, task-centric, succinct, handy. Cable Supports ssh proxying, jumping over networks, tasks chaining.

We support $HOME/.ssh config as well as the global ssh client config.


libraryDependencies += "io.github.zhongwm" %% "cable" % "0.4.1"

Supports ssh proxying, in a monadic way!

Your host behind a bastion machine? You have a series of remote tasks to deal with? no problem. And connections are reused by multiple tasks for the same machine.

A DSL to represent composite ssh tasks.

Simple ssh task

import cable.zssh.TypeDef._
import HostConnS._
import cable.zssh.Zssh._

val simpleTask =
  Action("", password = Some("password"), action = scriptIO("sleep 5; ls /"))

Most of the parameters can be omitted only the hostname or address (the first parameter) is required, We can use a private key instead of password, it can be your default .ssh rsa ssh key. Cable will read your ssh key from that file and use that key for authentication.

Simple ssh task with multiple tasks on a same host or connection.

  val simpleData =
      action = scriptIO("hostname") <&>
        scpUploadIO("build.sbt") <&

Multiple ssh tasks example

To get multiple tasks on different hosts executed one after another, chain them up using +:.

  val simpleListTasks =
    Action("", Some(privateKey), action = scriptIO("cat /etc/issue")) +:
    Action("", port = Some(2023), username=Some("user"), password=("password"), scpDownloadIO("/etc/issue"))

Nested ssh tasks example

With nested ssh tasks composing, parent level acts as the jumper host for the child tasks, also parent level tasks get gets executed before the latter.

  val simpleNestedTasks = Parental(
    JustConnect("", username=Some("user"), password=Some("password")),
      Action("" password = Some("password"), action = scpUploadIO("build.sbt"))

Compound example

  val compoundTasks =
    JustConnect("", 2022, "user", "password") +:
      JustConnect("", 2022, "user", "password" ),
        Action("", 2022, "user", "password", scriptIO("hostname")) +:
        Action("", 2022, "user", "password", scpUploadIO("build.sbt"))
    ) +:
    Action("", 2023, "user", "password", scpDownloadIO("/etc/issue"))


Tap on run to fire task execution. Result types are inferred and reflecting the task composition structure.

val nestedResult = simpleNestedTasks.run() // Inferred type: NestedC[Unit, (Int, (Chunk[String], Chunk[String]))]
val listResult = simpleListTasks.run()     // Inferred type: (Int, (Chunk[String], Chunk[String])) +|: (Int, (Chunk[String], Chunk[String]))

Resource Safe

As we can see in the previous sample code, we don't need to concern about connections' management, yet it's safely managed.

Connections are guaranteed to be released correctly



To get started

Full Support for ZIO programming

Full support for ZIO composition, ready to be embedded into ZIO project, compatible with ZIO ecosystem.

  val action = {
    scriptIO("hostname") <&>
      scpUploadIO("build.sbt") <&
val jumperLayer = Zssh.sessionL("", 2022, username = Some("test"), password = Some("test"))

  val jumpedLayer =
    Zssh.jumpSessionL(jumperLayer, "", 2023, Some("test"), Some("test"))

  val layer2 =
    ((jumperLayer ++ Blocking.live) >>> Zssh.jumpAddressLayer("", 2023)) ++ Blocking.live

  val layer3 = layer2 >>> Zssh.jumpSshConnL(Some("test"), Some("test"))

  val layer4 = (Zssh.clientLayer ++ layer3 ++ Blocking.live) >>> Zssh.sessionL
private val process = for {
    connJump <- Zssh.make(
                  Left("", 2022),
                  username = Some("test"),
                  password = Some("test")
    rst      <- connJump.sessionM { outerSession =>
                  Zssh.jumpTo("", 2023)(outerSession) >>= { fwd =>
                    val conn = Zssh(Right(fwd.getBoundAddress), Some("test"), password = Some("test"))
                    conn.sessionM { innerSession =>
                      Zssh.script("hostname")(innerSession) <&>
                      Zssh.scpUpload("build.sbt")(innerSession) <&
    _        <- putStrLn(rst._1._2._1.mkString)
    _        <- putStrLn(rst._1._2._2.mkString)
    xc       <- ZIO.succeed {
  } yield xc

Efficient, fast

Based on mina-sshd-netty


This project is greatly inspired by a famous python project ansible, which is a very famous project in devops. This project strives to join the functional world and the devops world in the field of remote host related tasks. Not all of them, not all of ansible, but in some way.