Jekyll Liquid Debug

This program is created to debug shopify-liquid-template, which is a type of programing language mainly used to generate static website, especially for Jekyll.


To install, execute,

gem install 'jekyll-liquid-debug'

Reason of Creation

Jekyll is an awesome static website generator, it uses liquid for coding. However, liquid works like a black-box, it is not command-line-aware, all those magic things are happening in the backend.

Many time, we just want to see through what is happening of a single line or a very small piece of snippets, like for many interpreting languages, print debug-info. However, liquid does not allow us to do this.

Thus, every time we have to build & debug the whole site again and again. It is way too time consuming, and also needing great patiences and efforts. This, definitely, is not what we expected.

So, it comes to this package.

With it, you can simply run your liquid file in your terminal, to help check either semantic or functioning errors.


After you successfully installed, show help message,

jekyll-liquid-debug -h

The options in Input files will look like,

-f, --file [FILE]                input liquid template
-t, --html [FILE]                input html template
-y, --yaml [FILE]                input YAML file, parsed to `site.[var]'
-k, --md [FILE]                  input raw markdown file, precedent for option `-t'
    --out-html                   output html file, overwrite may happen
    --out-md                     output markdown file, overwrite may happen

They are self-explanation.


Write out default markdown file

To help developments, a default markdown file is created. This file includes all the Markdown syntaxs used to convert HTML file, and to boost debugging, each of those Text Formatting is repeated in three times.

To have a look of this file, run

jekyll-liquid-debug --out-md

Debug Liquid Template

If you have a liquid coded file, myfile.liquid

{%- assign my_variable = false -%}
{%- assign my_number = 10 -%}
{%- if my_variable == true -%}
    {{ my_number | plus: 1 }}
{%- else -%}
    {{ my_number | minus: 1 }}
{%- endif -%}

Debug my_number: {{ my_number }}

You want to printout my_number, you can run,

jekyll-liquid-debug -f myfile.liquid

Then you will see,

Note: using default markdown file < >
Debug my_number: 10

Note: empty command {{}} in liquid works like starting a new line. For more, please refer to shopify-liquid-template. It's mainly used to separate the debug info and other leading messages from white-space-controlling. Otherwise, your debug info may be printed out at the same line.

I also have a post about the liquid-white-space-control

Debug Liquid Template With Raw Markdown As Input

So what will happen if you want to code a liquid with the YAML & Markdown file?

The answer is you can use it as the input.

Please be aware of that, the Markdown file you input will be parsed using variables defined YAML file first, and then converted to html file at background, then the new variable content will be generated, which you can invoke inside the liquid.

For example, if you have a _config.yml file,

debug: true

  windows : notepad
  ubuntu  : gedit
  mac     : textedit

you have a Markdown file, which is under a name,

{%- if site.debug -%}
    {{ }}
    {{ site.editor.ubuntu }}
    {{ site.editor.mac }}
{%- endif %}

Good good **study**, day day **up**.

Add oil!

Today is a good day, people mountain people sea.

Know is **know**, noknow is noknow.

If you want to remove the <strong></strong> tag for words study & up & know after they are converted to THML, you can do this, inside your myfile.liquid, using filter simply replace those tags to be empty.

{{ content | replace: "<strong>", "" | replace: "</strong>", "" }}


jekyll-liquid-debug -f myfile.liquid -m -y _config.yml

Note: you can also only convert your raw Markdown to HTML, by using jekyll-liquid-debug -m --out-html.

Debug Liquid Template With HTML As Input

It works similar like using Markdown as the input, with the changing of option,

jekyll-liquid-debug -f myfile.liquid -t myHTML.html

Warning: When both -t & -m are specified, only your Markdown file for -m will be parsed into liquid as the variable content.

Show Development Feature

jekyll-liquid-debug --feature


gem install liquid
gem install kramdown


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at