
log for my cultural consumption

Primary LanguagePython

Zhonskate's Cultural Log

Welcome to my cultural log. Here's all the culture I'm consuming, carefully placed cronologically. The purpose is to keep a record, without any aim on ranking o marking the products, just a place to come back and see everything I've watched or listened to.

What do the letters stand for?

  • M - Music

    • M-A - Music Album (Any kind of EP/LP really). Is followed by artist and name of such album.
    • M-C - Music Concert. Is followed by artist and venue.
  • F - Film

    • F-H - Film watched at Home. Followed by director and title.
    • F-C - Film watched at Cinema. Follwed by director and title.
  • S - Standup

    • S-L - Standup Live. Followed by artist/group of artists and venue
    • S-H - Standup at home. Followed by artist and name of the show
  • W - Watch. Any series or multi-chapter media content, full seasons only. The date stands for the day I finished that season

    • W-S - Series. Followed by platform and Title
    • W-D - Documentaries. Followed by platform/maker and season.
  • B - Book. Books read. The date stands for the day I finished reading it. Short novels and tales included too.

    • (Have to think about the categories here)