
Just your everyday irregular expression fluently implemented

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

IrregularExpression ๐Ÿ“

A fluent, human-readable wrapper for building and using regular expressions in TypeScript/Deno! Simplify regex creation with an intuitive, chainable API, making complex patterns more accessible and less error-prone.

๐Ÿš€ Quick Start

  • ๐Ÿ”ง Install: Easily add IrregularExpression to your Deno project.
  • ๐Ÿ“š Documentation: Comprehensive API details for full control over regex.
  • ๐Ÿงช Examples: Practical, real-world examples to get you started immediately.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฌ Contribute: Join the community to improve and extend the module.

๐Ÿ”ง Installation

To use IrregularExpression in your Deno project, import it directly from the URL:

import { IrregularExpression } from "@findhow/irregular-expression";

๐Ÿ“š API Overview


Initialize a new regex builder.

const pattern = IrregularExpression.match()

"Some string".test(pattern)


  • Flags: ignoreCase(), multiline(), dotAll(), unicode()
  • Quantifiers: exactly(n), atLeast(n), between(n, m), zeroOrMore(), oneOrMore(), zeroOrOne()
  • Character Classes: digit(), nonDigit(), wordCharacter(), nonWordCharacter(), whitespace(), nonWhitespace(), anyCharacterExcept(chars)
  • Position Matching: startOfLine(), endOfLine(), wordBoundary()
  • Groups and Lookarounds: capture(), namedCapture(), nonCapturingGroup(), positiveLookahead(), negativeLookahead(), positiveLookbehind(), negativeLookbehind()
  • Others: literal(), anySingleCharacter(), range(), notInRange(), anyOf(), noneOf(), or(), combine(), backreference(), namedBackreference()


  • build() - Builds and returns the RegExp object.
  • test(input) - Tests if the regex matches the input string.
  • execute(input) - Executes the regex on the input string and returns the match results.
  • replace(input, replacement) - Replaces matches in the input string with the provided replacement.

๐Ÿงช Usage Examples

Example 1: Simple Phone Number Validator

const regex = IrregularExpression.match()

console.log(regex.toString()); // Outputs: /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/
console.log(regex.test("123-456-7890")); // true
console.log(regex.test("12-34-5678")); // false

Example 2: Extract Data from Serialized JSON

Use IrregularExpression to find and extract specific values from serialized JSON.

const jsonRegex = IrregularExpression.match()

Example 3: Scrape Specific Log Information from a Large Text File

Extract all error messages from a log file where each error message is prefixed by [ERROR].

const logRegex = IrregularExpression.match()
  .capture(group => group

const logContent = `
[INFO] Application started
[ERROR] Failed to connect to database
[WARNING] Low disk space
[ERROR] User authentication failed

const errors = logRegex.execute(logContent);
console.log(errors.map(error => error[1])); 
// Outputs: ["Failed to connect to database", "User authentication failed"]

Example 4: Work with Property Addresses and Names

Extract property addresses and full names (first, middle, last) from inconsistent data formats.

const addressRegex = IrregularExpression.match()
  .capture(group => group
  .capture(group => group
  .capture(group => group

const addressString = "123 Main St, Apt 4B";
const addressParts = addressRegex.execute(addressString);
console.log(addressParts.map(part => part[0])); 
// Outputs: ["123", "Main", "St"]

const nameRegex = IrregularExpression.match()
  .capture(group => group
  .capture(group => group
  .capture(group => group

const nameString = "John Michael Doe";
const nameParts = nameRegex.execute(nameString);
console.log(nameParts.map(part => part[0])); 
// Outputs: ["John", "Michael", "Doe"]

Example 5: Replace Words in a Sentence

const regex = IrregularExpression.match()

const input = "The cat sat on the mat.";
const result = regex.replace(input, "dog");
console.log(result); // "The dog sat on the mat."