
Research codes of "Data-Driven Space-Filling Curves". Important: main functions are named as "figGenXXX.m". For example, figGenSFC2DCase.m---2D regular grids; figGenSFC3DCase.m---3D regular grids; figGenSFC2DQuadTree.m---2D multiscale; figGenSFC3DOctree.m---3D multiscale.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Research codes of "Data-Driven Space-Filling Curves" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.06309). Certified with the Replicability Stamp (https://www.replicabilitystamp.org/#https-github-com-zhou-l-datadrivenspacefillcurve).
Please cite the paper if you use the codes:

L. Zhou, C. R. Johnson and D. Weiskopf, "Data-Driven Space-Filling Curves," in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3030473.

Linearizations of a synthetic volume data of a sphere

File name convention

Important: main functions are named as "figGenXXX.m".
For example,
figGenSFC2DCase.m---2D regular grids;
figGenSFC3DCase.m---3D regular grids;
figGenSFC2DQuadTree.m---2D multiscale;
figGenSFC3DOctree.m---3D multiscale.

Replicability Stamp: Paper Figures Reproducibility

Paper reproducibility:
Figures 7 and 10 of the paper can be readily reproduced with scripts named paperFigX.m where X is the number of the figure.
paperFig7.m---Figure 7;
paperFig10.m---Figure 10;
Some of the examples in the paper were created using random synthetic data, similar figures can be generated with scripts named simPaperFigY.m where Y is the number of the figure.