Mini-research project of PKU Computer Network (H) 21Fall

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

DoCR: DNS with Strong Consistency


This is a mini-research project motivated by PKU Computer Networks (Honor Tack) 21Fall
We try to achieve strong consistency requirement for DNS service (i.e. if a domain-name-IP mapping changes, all clients/servers must see it at once)


Existing DNS update scheme adapts TTL mechanism which reaches weak (eventual) consisteny. It works well today but it possibly won't fit mobile servers in the future.


Basically we propose using CRAQ(Chain Replication with Apportioned Queries) system, which is a distributed system scheme published in 2009. Unfortunately we can not modify DNS servers in real world but we can simulate a DNS server and some clients and a scenario where IP modification is rather frequent.


CRAQ paper
DNScup proposed a lease technique which essentially adapts a dynamic TTL
ECO-DNS also proposed a dynamic TTL scheme
DDNS RFC2136 now existing dynamic DNS update protocol which is pretty straightforward(another word for naive) DNS format specification
More referenced materials are listed in paper/


  • go: check go-craq/go.mod
  • python >= 3.6


cd go-craq
make all MODE=[CRAQ|TTL]
cd ../python-test
python do_test.py


Check presentation/DoCR.pdf for full story
Check python-test/result/ for raw test result data