
Proof of concept. Async master + async workers.

Primary LanguagePerl





I am not sure that it will work correct on FreeBSD 9 and Windows, but sure, that it will work on linux.


High perfomance pre-forking full-asynchronous tcp server. One restriction: you can't get client info inside process_request subroutine.

Yeah. this thing is really blazing fast. You can try it by benchmarking hello-world http server.

What's next

I working hard on this thing and I'll create PSGI server. And one more. After 1.0 version release of this software, I'll make this code as deprecated. Why? There is another thing with same functional, but faster, is under construction. Api will be complete compatible.


new creates AE::TCP::Server object. Params:

  • workers - workers count
  • pid - path to pid file
  • daemonize - daemonize or not
  • debug - debug mode
  • user - user for setuid
  • group - group for setgid
  • procname - name of process for ps
  • port - port to listen. Unix sockets not supported right now
  • process_request - subroutine ref for processing requests

run runs connection manager and blocks.


Little example, how to use it:

use AnyEvent::TCP::Server;
my $ae_srvr = AnyEvent::TCP::Server->new(
    # will daemonize
    daemonize           =>  1,

    # path to pid file, which used for master process pid
    # pid               =>  '/path/to/pid/file',

    # enables advanced debug
    debug               =>  1,

    # process name, used for ps
    procname            =>  'my_cool_example',

    # port to listen
    port                =>  44444,

    # on connect subroutine, if returns false - connection will terminated.
    check_on_connect    =>  sub {
        my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_;
        return 1;

    # main subroutine, it used by workers for request processing.
    process_request     =>  sub {
        my ($worker_object, $fh, undef) = @_;
        syswrite $fh, "[$$]: Hello!";
        close $fh;

# run server


Dmitriy @justnoxx Shamatrin

Michael @michaelshulichenko Shulichenko

Denys @shmakins Fisher