
Vue豆瓣电影服务端渲染 项目持续更新中 欢迎star 欢迎pull requests

Primary LanguageVue


技术基础 Vue 2.0 + vue-router + vuex + element-ui + nodejs 服务端渲染 线上演示环境 贴一下浏览器渲染的地址吧,项目新鲜出炉 还没来得及部署到云服务器上 和浏览器端渲染对比 浏览器端doubanMovie

简单的看下gif:注意地址栏跟浏览器端渲染带 #/ 不一样。而是对应得 /

screen shot 2016-08-11 at 6 06 57 pm


  • 服务器端  - Vue + vue-router + vuex working together
    • Server-side data pre-fetching
    • Client-side state & DOM hydration
    • Automatically inlines CSS used by rendered components only
  • vue 单文件组件  - Hot-reload in development
    • CSS extraction for production
  • Real-time List Updates with FLIP Animation


screen shot 2016-08-11 at 6 06 57 pm


Requires Node.js 6+

# install dependencies
npm install # or yarn

# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production
npm run build

# serve in production mode
npm start