
The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.

# How to play with the codebase?
Documentation is at https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/

## Get the vcs tool
sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool

## Get the codebase from ros2.repos
mkdir src
vcs import src < ros2.repos

## Update with upstream
vcs custom src --git --args pull

## Retrive diff or status
vcs diff src
vcs status src
vcs custom src --git --args diff
vcs custom src --git --args status
vcs custom src --git --args status -s

## Discard all changes and delete
vcs custom src --git --args reset --hard HEAD

# Ignore these packages
touch src/ros-visualization/qt_gui_core/COLCON_IGNORE
touch src/ros-visualization/rqt/COLCON_IGNORE
touch src/ros/resource_retriever/COLCON_IGNORE
touch src/ros2/rcl_logging/rcl_logging_log4cxx/COLCON_IGNORE
touch src/ros2/rviz/COLCON_IGNORE

# How to build on x86 or xavier?

# How to cross compile using docker image?
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/root/build_ws/  reg.docker.alibaba-inc.com/etlab_hpc/ros2_cross_compile:compiler

## Link all libraries created by ros2 into sysroot, or ld binutils can't find them when prefix sysroot to rpath in library table
mkdir install/lib
mkdir /system_dep_himix/xrobot
ln -s /root/build_ws/install/lib /system_dep_himix/xrobot/

## Modify /system_dep_himix/etc/ld.so.conf as below