
country name to code, or code to name, or region code, short name and etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


country object

  • name
  • code (iso alpha2 alpha3)
  • short name
  • region code

Quick Start

// install from npm
npm install xweb-country --save

// usage
var Country = require('xweb-country');
var c = new Country('USA');
console.log(c.toName());  // United States
console.log(c.toFullName());  // United States
console.log(c.toCode());  // US
console.log(c.toAlphaCode());  // US
console.log(c.toAlpha3Code());  // USA
console.log(c.toRegionCode());  // [19,21]

// you can new country with other fields
var c = new Country('United States');   // with name
var c = new Country('United States');   // with full name
var c = new Country('US');   // with iso-3166 code
var c = new Country('US');   // with Alpha2 code
var c = new Country('USA');   // with Alpha3 code

for Delveloper

  1. a text editor for hbs、js、html、nodejs and etc.
  2. nodejs(>=0.10.13)
  3. npm install -g gulp mocha

To test, run:

npm test
