Awesome Open-World-Learning



  • Learning to Classify with Incremental New Class (TNNLS21) [paper]

  • The Pursuit of Knowledge: Discovering and Localizing Novel Categories using Dual Memory (ICCV21) [paper]

  • Deep Metric Learning for Open World Semantic Segmentation (ICCV21) [paper]

  • Towards Open-World Recommendation: An Inductive Model-based Collaborative Filtering Approach (ICML21) [paper]

  • Towards Open World Object Detection (CVPR21) [paper]

  • Generalizing to the Open World: Deep Visual Odometry with Online Adaptation (CVPR21) [paper]


  • Multi-Instance Learning with Emerging Novel Class (TKDE20) [paper]

  • Semi-Supervised Streaming Learning with Emerging New Labels. (AAAI20) [paper]

  • OpenWGL: Open-World Graph Learning (ICDM20) [paper]

  • Automatically Discovering and Learning New Visual Categories with Ranking Statistics (ICLR20) [paper]


  • Nearest Neighbor Ensembles: An Effective Method for Difficult Problems in Streaming Classification with Emerging New Classes (ICDM19) [paper]

  • Robust High Dimensional Stream Classification with Novel Class Detection (ICDE19) [paper]

  • Open-world Learning and Application to Product Classification (WWW19) [paper]

  • Learning to Discover Novel Visual Categories via Deep Transfer Clustering (ICCV19) [paper]


  • Multi-Label Learning with Emerging New Labels (TKDE18) [paper]
  • Memory based online learning of deep representations from video streams (CVPR18) [paper]


  • Classification under Streaming Emerging New Classes: A Solution using Completely-random Trees. (TKDE17) [paper]
  • Streaming Classification with Emerging New Class by Class Matrix Sketching (AAAI17) [paper]


  • Online Open World Recognition (arXiv 16) [paper]


  • Towards open world recognition (CVPR15) [paper]


  • Learning with Augmented Class by Exploiting Unlabeled Data (AAAI14) [paper]


  • Z. Chen and B. Liu. "Lifelong Machine Learning." Morgan & Claypool Publishers, November 2016 (1st edition), August 2018 (2nd edition). [book]

Feel free to contact me if you find any interesting paper is missing.