
Simple web application to monitor genetic algorithm

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Web application to monitor genetic algorithm

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  1. pip install flask
  2. pip install gunicorn (optional)

Format of log files

  1. All log files must be under log directory defined in config.txt
  2. file names should be YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm_instance_n.log (year, month, day, hour, minute, number of instance)
  3. Each line in each file should be INFO:root:%f,%f,%f (replace %f with actual numbers, float or integer)
  4. If you don't like this format, change def refresh(), def parse_file() in monitor.py


  1. Modify config.txt to change the password, your own python directory and log directory
  2. export FLASK_APP=monitor.py
  3. python monitor.py (run foreground)
  4. flask run --debugger -h (optional)
  5. nohup gunicorn -w 4 -b monitor:app & (4 threads, run background, optional)