UI Test / React Native App

This is an app that shows how to test UI for React Native.

  • First step to run this app is to setup the react-native development environment, available here.

  • Clone the repository.

  • Execute:

npm i



If you are using iOS execute:

npx pod-install
  • Then execute command, depending on the OS:
npx react-native run-ios


npx react-native run-android


There is 3 branchs for this project, depending on where you want to start to follow the tutorial:

  • diyBranch // starts form the very beginning
  • setup // starts with the setup of navigation, redux and tests already done.
  • uiDevelopmentAndTesting // the final commit with all tests and UI already done


  • React-Native 0.65.1

  • React Hooks: state management, navigation and redux

  • React Navigation to manage the Routes

  • React Redux to manage global states and redux slice

    This app is not suitable for Expo, it is a bare react-native app.