Obsidian Markdown Media Card Plugin

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This is a plugin for Obsidian that allows you to insert media information cards in Markdown, such as Douban books, music, movies, etc.

This project was inspired by hexo-douban-card and references the design and implementation of the card style. However, it does not have the ability to fetch Douban information. Instead, it allows users to freely configure the content displayed on the card, which can be completely unrelated to Douban.

This Obsidian plugin is a wrapper for the Remark Media Card. Please refer to Remark Media Card for more information.


Search Markdown Media Card in community plugins.


type: book
url: https://book.douban.com/subject/35984787/
title: Blindness Chronicles
cover: https://img3.doubanio.com/view/subject/s/public/s34269503.jpg
publishDate: 2022-08-27
author: 若泽·萨拉马戈
rating: 9.1
width: 600
introduction: |-

type: music
url: https://music.163.com/#/song?id=19292984
title: Love Story
cover: https://p1.music.126.net/GZERNplXUdzTPkKqo2F4tA==/109951169217536854.jpg
artist: Taylor Swift
width: 600

type: movie
url: https://movie.douban.com/subject/35267208/
title: 流浪地球2
cover: https://img9.doubanio.com/view/photo/s/public/p2885842436.jpg
director: 郭帆
actors: 吴京 / 刘德华 / 李雪健 / 沙溢 / 宁理
publishDate: 2023-01-22
rating: 8.3
introduction: |-
  在并不遥远的未来,太阳急速衰老与膨胀,再过几百年整个太阳系将被它吞噬毁灭。为了应对这场史无前例的危机,地球各国放下芥蒂,成立联合政府,试图寻找人类存续的出路。通过摸索与考量,最终推着地球逃出太阳系的“移山计划”获得压倒性胜利。人们着手建造上万台巨大的行星发动机,带着地球踏上漫漫征程。满腔赤诚的刘培强(吴京 饰)和韩朵朵(王智 饰)历经层层考验成为航天员大队的一员,并由此相知相恋。但是漫漫征途的前方,仿佛有一股神秘的力量不断破坏者人类的自救计划。看似渺小的刘培强、量子科学家图恒宇(刘德华 饰)、联合政府**代表周喆直(李雪健 饰)以及无数平凡的地球人,构成了这项伟大计划的重要一环……
width: 600


Markdown Syntax

For example, in this sample:

type: music
url: https://music.163.com/#/song?id=19292984
title: Love Story
cover: https://p1.music.126.net/GZERNplXUdzTPkKqo2F4tA==/109951169217536854.jpg
artist: Taylor Swift
width: 600

We expand the markdown code block syntax, defining media-card as the identifier for the media information card, and then inputting the card information in yaml format within the code block. For details on the parameters that can be configured in YAML, please refer to Parameters


Parameter Required Type Description
type Yes string Type, currently supports movie, music, book
url No string Link the card redirects to, e.g., Douban introduction page or music playback page. If not set, clicking the card will not redirect
title Yes string Media name (book title, music title, movie title, etc.)
cover Yes string Cover image, web url(https://...) and obsidian vault path(../folder/xx.jpg or folder/xx.jpg) are supported
introduction No string Introduction, can be multi-line text, but only the first 3 lines will be displayed on the card
width No number Card width in pixels, defaults to full width if not set

Additionally, if users want to add some custom information, they can directly add it in YAML format as key: value pairs (value supports HTML tags). All content other than the parameters mentioned in the table above will be rendered, for example:

type: music
title: Love Story
cover: https://p1.music.126.net/GZERNplXUdzTPkKqo2F4tA==/109951169217536854.jpg
歌手: Taylor Swift
专辑: <a href="https://music.163.com/#/album?id=1770438" target="_blank">《Fearless》</a>
width: 600

The rendered result is shown below:

Singer and Album are two custom fields, and the value of Album is a link that redirects to the album page when clicked.

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