TSEngine, an adaptive communication scheduler for efficient communication overlay in DML-WANs.

In contrast to construct a static communication logic before the training job starts, TSEngine adaptively optimizes communication logic in a dynamically scheduling manner. As shown in Figure 1, In TSEngine, a global coordinator online schedules each model transmission between workers and the parameter server based on its real-time perception of the network. image Figure 1 Overview of TSEngine MXNET is a popular, distributed machine learningframework. The PS-LITE library is an implementation of a parameter server system on MXNET.
In our work, we implement TSEngine as an independent communication scheduling layer of PS-LITE, which is located between theKV-APP layer and the VAN layer, as shown in Figure 2. image Figure 2


  1. Replace the source code of "3rdparty/ps-lite" and "src/kvstore" in MXNET(version 1.2.1) with modified codes in our repository.

  2. Deployment method is same as https://mxnet.apache.org/api/faq/distributed_training.html.

  3. Add two experiment variables for TSEngine on Scheduler, Server and Workerv in the startup script, as following:

    a. ENABLE_TS = 1; // Enable the TSEngine function

    b. MAX_GREED_RATE=[0,1]; // The maximum probability for greedy selection, which is a hyper-parameter given by the user

Author: Huaman Zhou(hmzhou@std.uestc.edu.cn), Weibo Cai(17719609705@163.com)