YeeLight Smart LED Bulb (Xiaomi) Control4 Driver

Control4 Driver to toggle, change RGB color, color temperature of Yeelight

Compatible to OS 2.10 or above

Sample Control Command

Get the current status of the light
{"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "name", "rgb", "bright", "ct", "color_mode"]}
{"id":1,"method":"get_prop","params":["power", "name", "rgb", "bright", "ct"]}

Set the rgb value of the light
{"id":1,"method":"set_rgb","params":[16579587, "smooth", 500]}

Set the brightness of the light:
{"id":1,"method":"set_bright","params":[50, "smooth", 500]}


Set name

Set cron Job
{"id":1,"method":"cron_add","params":[0, 1]}

Set scene
{"id":1,"method":"set_scene","params":["color", 16579587, 90]}
{"id":1,"method":"set_scene","params":["color",10027008, 85]}

Set brightness
{"id":1,"method":"adjust_bright","params":[-10, 500]}

Proxy Binding Id

5001: Brightness

5002: Color Temperature

5003: Red

5004: Green

5005: Blue

Control Binding Id

301: On Button Link

302: Off Button Link

303: Toggle Button Link

Project Structure

  1. action.lua
  • implement the function ExecuteCommand(strCommand, tParams)
  • handle the action tab
  1. connection.lua
  • implement the function OnConnectionStatusChanged(idBinding, nPort, strStatus)
  • listen to the change of the TCP connection between the controller and yeelight
  1. constants.lua
  • frequently used constants (proxy binding id, control binding id, property key value)
  1. driver.lua
  • entry point of the whole driver
  1. lighting_profile.lua
  • "get" and "set" the persist data table (provided by the control4 DriverWork SDK)
  • "YEELIGHT_PROFILE": contains the current color mode, RGB, color temperature and brightness
  • "YEELIGHT_HISTORY": contains the last known status of the yeelight
  • Both table contains the same data structure
  1. network.lua
  • implement the function ReceivedFromNetwork (idBinding, nPort, receviedString)
  • handle the feedback data received from yeelight and update the driver property including the driver property in composer and proxy (mobile app)
  1. properties.lua
  • implement the function OnPropertyChanged(strProperty)
  • listen to the change of driver properties (only apply for manual change)
  • will not be called for C4:UpdateProperty() function
  1. proxy.lua
  • implement the function ReceivedFromProxy(bindingId, strCommand, tParams)
  • handle the ui interaction and update the light status correspondingly
  1. utils.lua
  • all the utility functions (mathematics, string, debug)
  • handle the conversion between level and actual value for rgb color and color temperature
  1. yeelight_command.lua
  • implement the actual commands that will be sent to yeelight