# Author: Sun, Yi J <yi.j.sun@intel.com> --> aosp & bsp diff patch format rule: There 2 types of format rules: First: 01_<jira_number>-xxx-xxx.patch 02_<jira_number>-xxx-xxx.patch Second: 0001_<jira_number>-xxx-xxx.patch 0002_<jira_number>-xxx-xxx.patch * <jira_number> is used to track this patch change history. eg: what's the issue behavior; how did this patch fix the issue; etc... For INTEL internel commiter, jira_number could be used from internal JIRA system, <jira_number> started with OAM-12345; For INTEL external commiter, please use https://01.org/jira system to raise JIRA. --> [Celadon Q] aosp & bsp diff patches sorting: This change works on both aosp_diff and bsp_diff patches. The main purpose of adding this numbering sort is, trying to manage all the patches by creation time ascending order. There would be 2 status from current(Oct 2019) utils diff patches. 1. Like following kernel/lts2018, patch from 01_xxx.patch to 07_xxx.patch were added at the init of utils repo. So, these 7 patches were from 01 to 07; Then, the 08_0001xxx.patch was later added, and 09_651191xxx.patch was last added. So, as you can see the numbering from 01_ to 09_ was sorted following creation history. Project kernel/lts2018 Applying 01_674374_3--ACPI-PM-Propagate-KEY_POWER-to-user-space-when-resum.patch Applying 02_674936_2-usb-roles-intel_xhci-WA-Restore-saved-role-after-S3.patch Applying 03_675248_2-Kernel-lts2018-Adding-change-to-make-KBL-USB-device.patch Applying 04_675311_2-Virtual-PCM-device-driver-for-enabling-BT-HFP.patch Applying 05_677424_1-usb-dbc-fix-for-adb-root-issue.patch Applying 06_678122_2-Fix-for-adb-dbc-offline-issue.patch Applying 07_679801_1-Vendor-command-support-in-IWLWIFI-driver.patch Applying 08_0001-Revert-ALSA-hda-Fix-1-minute-detection-delay-when-i9.patch Applying 09_651191_10-DO_NOT_MERGE-drm-i915-skl-ddb-allocation-algorithm-o.patch 2. Like following repo, we can see this repo always managed from 0001 to 0007 since the very beginning by domain team. So, we keep the management of these .patch files by domain team themselves. Project vendor/intel/external/project-celadon/nn-hal Applying 0001_1-Enabled-1.1-and-ran-coding-style-script.patch Applying 0002_1-fix-for-depthwise-convolution-vts-testcases-failing-.patch Applying 0003_1-Fix-for-nn-hal-Klocwork-issues.patch Applying 0004_1-Fix-for-mPadReq-uninitialized-Klocwork-issue.patch Applying 0005-add-OpenCL-GPU-support-in-intel_nn_hal.patch Applying 0006-enable-cldnn-and-cldnn-plugin-compiling-in-Celadon.patch Applying 0007-make-cpu-and-gpu-instance-run-in-parallel.patch