
Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using ChatGPT.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🌍 English简体中文

Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using AI.

Generate the Excel formulas

How it works

This project uses the ChatGPT API and the Vercel AI SDK with streaming. It constructs a prompt based on the form and user input, sends it to the ChatGPT API with a Vercel Edge Function, then streams the response back to the application UI.


SmartExcel is built on the following stack:

  • Next.js – Frontend/Backend
  • TailwindCSS – Styles
  • Postgres and Prisma - database and storage(How to use?)
  • Next-auth - Authentication(How to use?)
  • ChatGPT - Generate the Excel formulas
  • Upstash - Redis(How to use?)
  • Lemon Squeezy - payments(How to use?)
  • Google Analytics - Analytics(How to use?)
  • Docker - Development Storage(How to use?)
  • Vercel - Hosting

If you are unfamiliar with some of the tech stacks, please click on the "How to use" links above to read my Chinese blog, or visit my another public repo - Learn Next.js Stack

Running Locally

After cloning the repo, you need to copy the .env.example file to create a .env file and fill in the required fields.

Open Upstash and Create Redis application.


Then, run the application in the command line and it will be available at http://localhost:3000.

pnpm i

pnpm run dev

One-Click Deploy

Deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

About Me

I am a Front-End Engineer, a Full-Stack Practitioner, and an advocate of AI adventism.

My Blog
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