
Our team members often have trouble picking out a movie or a TV show to watch when they're with their friends or with their significant other.

What it does

Our product helps users categorize movies and shows they're interested in watching and find movie/show content mutual between them and their friends or significant others.

How we built it

We build our design prototype on Figma and currently are working on a Flutter/Android Studio to build the actual mobile software application.

Challenges we ran into

Starting out, we had trouble narrowing down the application scope. We have very limited time, so we had to prioritize features, as well as the audience. We initially split into 2 product visions: one app for finding mutually-liked movies and shows and one app for getting a list of mutually-liked interests for networking conversation topics.

Additionally, it was tough to coordinate around everyone's schedules, when to meet - we have team members in APAC and team members across the US on the east and west coast.

Finally, we felt that we couldn't decide on a programming language in which we would build out the actual software application.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We came into the hackathon all interested in learning and exploring our interests and skills, and we did just that. Although we didn't build any actual software, our team explored marketing research, product management, and design prototyping, and we even built out a pitch deck! What we learned

Our team learned a lot about the product development lifecycle from researching customers to creating wireframes. With 3/4 first-time hackers, we learned how to use software products like Figma for design, Atlassian's Jira for project/product management, GitHub for software version control, and Google Cloud for cloud hosting. What's next for Moovie

We're excited to continue working on the application as a side hobby, while continuing to explore the world of product development and entrepreneurship!

Built With

figma, flutter, netflix

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