
RPC tools for egg framework

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RPC tools for egg framework


$ npm i egg-rpc-generator -g


1. Command-line interface (cli) usage

$ egg-rpc-generator -h

  Usage: egg-rpc-generator [options]


    -b, --base [base]            the base directory of the project
    -p, --plugin [plugin]        the plugins used in generation process
    -f, --framework [framework]  specify framework that can be absolute path or npm package
    -h, --help                   output usage information
  • -b, --base the egg project root folder, default is process.cwd()
  • -p, --plugin the plugins will be used in generation process, by default protobuf plugin will be activated
  • -f, --framework specify the custom egg framework name or path

run egg-rpc-generator under the egg project root folder

$ egg-rpc-generator

Create /home/admin/project proxy
[ProtoRPCPlugin] found "com.rpc.test.ProtoService" in proto file
[ProtoRPCPlugin] save all proto info into "/home/admin/project/run/proto.json"
All done

2. Usage with package.json scripts

  "scripts": {
    "rpc": "egg-rpc-generator"

Run arbitrary package scripts

$ npm run rpc

Create /home/admin/project proxy
[ProtoRPCPlugin] found "com.rpc.test.ProtoService" in proto file
[ProtoRPCPlugin] save all proto info into "/home/admin/project/run/proto.json"
All done

Build-in Plugin

Protobuf Plugin

to generate rpc schema and proxy files from *.proto files

  • step 1: put your *.proto files into $base/proto folder
├── app
├── config
│   ├── config.default.js
│   └── proxy.js
├── package.json
└── proto
    └── ProtoService.proto


syntax = "proto3";

package com.alipay.sofa.rpc.test;

// 可选
option java_multiple_files = false;

service ProtoService {
  rpc echoObj (EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse) {}

message EchoRequest {
  string name = 1;
  Group group = 2;

message EchoResponse {
  int32 code = 1;
  string message = 2;

enum Group {
  A = 0;
  B = 1;
  • step 2: config the config/proxy.js
module.exports = {
  group: 'SOFA',
  errorAsNull: false,
  services: [{
    appName: 'pb',
    responseTimeout: 100,
    api: {
      ProtoService: {
        interfaceName: 'com.alipay.sofa.rpc.test.ProtoService',
        version: '1.0',
        method: {
          echoObj: {
            responseTimeout: 3000,
  • step 3: run egg-rpc-generator under the project folder

will generate app/rpc/ProtoService.js and run/proto.json

├── app
│   └── rpc
│       └── ProtoService.js
├── config
│   ├── config.default.js
│   └── proxy.js
├── package.json
├── proto
│   └── ProtoService.proto
└── run
    └── proto.json


// Don't modified this file, it's auto created by egg-rpc-generator

'use strict';

const path = require('path');

/* eslint-disable */
/* istanbul ignore next */
module.exports = app => {
  const consumer = app.rpcClient.createConsumer({
    interfaceName: 'com.alipay.sofa.rpc.test.ProtoService',
    targetAppName: 'pb',
    version: '1.0',
    group: 'SOFA',
    proxyName: 'ProtoService',
    responseTimeout: 100,

  if (!consumer) {
    // `app.config['pb.rpc.service.enable'] = false` will disable this consumer

  app.beforeStart(async() => {
    await consumer.ready();

  class ProtoService extends app.Proxy {
    constructor(ctx) {
      super(ctx, consumer);

    async echoObj(req) {
      return await consumer.invoke('echoObj', [ req ], {
        ctx: this.ctx,
        responseTimeout: 3000,

  return ProtoService;
/* eslint-enable */

Write Your Plugin

You can write your own egg-rpc-generator plugin.

  • Write a plugin, and publish it to NPM.
module.exports = async (units, { baseDir }) => {
  // do something
  • Use plugin:

install plugin from NPM, then use it with egg-rpc-generator:

$ egg-rpc-generator -p pluginName1,pluginName2,...
