This program, OpenFOAM-Dakota interface, is released under license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007. It is maintained by Anjali Sandip.
A program for 2 way interface between OpenFoam and Dakota has been developed. Furthermore, it was succesfully applied to benchmarks. The interface program along with benchmarks have been provided.
Capabilities: This program integrates the capabilities of multi-physics modeling software, OpenFOAM, and data analytics toolbox, Dakota. Its key features include uncertainty quantification, surrogate modeling and parameter studies.
If you use this program, please cite this repository -- Sandip, A. 2019, OpenFOAM-Dakota, v1.0, Zenodo, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3931101
About: The interface program is written in bash and can be run in serial or parallel. It uses functionality from the underlying packages. The program was developed to integrate Dakota version 6.10 with OpenFOAM version 6. It can be extended to other versions of OpenFOAM and Dakota with minor modifications.
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