
This plugin sends an ISPW rest API request to a CES rest endpoint.


The following features are available in both Pipeline and traditional project types:

  • ISPW Actions: CreateAssignment, GetAssignmentInfo, GetAssignmentTaskList, GenerateTasksInAssignment, PromoteAssignment, DeployAssignment,RegressAssignment, GetReleaseInfo, GetReleaseTaskList, CreateRelease, GenerateTasksInRelease, GetReleaseTaskGenerateListing, GetReleaseTaskInfo, PromoteRelease, DeployRelease, RegressRelease, GetSetInfoAction

Basic plugin features

The following features are only present in the non-pipeline version of the plugin. For the Pipeline version, these features are available programmatically.

  • You can send the build parameters as key-value property list
  • You can configure CES URL in global configuration and CES token as secret text in Credentials
  • You can chose to wait for end of action by polling style (freestyle and pipeline)
  • You can chose to wait for end of action by webhook callback (pipeline only)

Pipeline features

Suppose you want to generate all DEV2 tasks in assignment PLAY000313, you can create the rest API request to CES server programmatically like so:

ispwOperation connectionId: 'c56dcf99-f26c-4b4e-a826-1ae47cc4c9b4', consoleLogResponseBody: true, credentialsId: '733e1263-4334-4852-b4cc-27ebc4685b94', ispwAction: 'GenerateTasksInAssignment', ispwRequestBody: '''assignmentId=PLAY000313

Also in a Pipeline job, you can use webhook callback if you don't want polling for status:

hook = ispwRegisterWebhook()
echo "...created ISPW webhook - ${hook.getURL()}"

ispwOperation connectionId: 'c56dcf99-f26c-4b4e-a826-1ae47cc4c9b4', consoleLogResponseBody: true, credentialsId: '733e1263-4334-4852-b4cc-27ebc4685b94', ispwAction: 'GenerateTasksInAssignment', ispwRequestBody: '''assignmentId=PLAY000313

echo "...waiting ISPW webhook callback - ${hook.getURL()}"
data = ispwWaitForWebhook hook
echo "...ISPW Webhook called back with message - ${data}"