
A JDBC proxy from ClickHouse to external databases

Primary LanguageJava

ClickHouse JDBC bridge

This is a JDBC bridge for ClickHouse. It stands for proxying SQL queries to external databases from ClickHouse. Inside ClickHouse this functionality is used in following cases:

  1. Table function jdbc('jdbc connection string', 'database', 'table')
  2. Table engine JDBC('jdbc connection string', 'database', 'table')
  3. (Not implemented yet) Dictionary source

How it works?


A bridge application starts, and looks for jar-files into given --driver-path directory. Within each JAR file found, bridge will try to find implementations of java.sql.Driver, and make them available for usage. After driver is registered, and server started, you may send queries from ClickHouse:

select * from jdbc('jdbc:mysql://host.port/?user=user&password=passord', 'schema', 'table')

for convenience reasons, jdbc: part of connection string can be ommitted:

select * from jdbc('mysql://host.port/?user=user&password=passord', 'schema', 'table')

Named datasources

As we can see, exposing credentials in query is not very secure.

To hide user/password, and/or to setup particular settings for JDBC driver, there is an "datasource" or "named connection" subsystem. It is similar to ODBC - in separate file you have to specify settings, and give it an alias. You may create a file, containing aliases for particular datasource:

# An example file with connections
# Format:
# datasource.$alias=[jdbc:]$DSN

E.g. each connection alias starts with connection. keyword, then goes alias value, then - connection string. When applied, you may use the following from ClickHouse:

SELECT * FROM jdbc('datasource://mysql-localhost', 'schema', 'table')

Data types notes

Currently, bridge is able to map a limited subset of JDBC java.sql.Types into ClickHouse data types. All the types supports nullability. Native database unsigned types are not supported yet. E.g. they would be transformed to signed ClickHouse data types. Table of conversion:

JDBC data type ClickHouse data type
FLOAT Float32
REAL Float32
DOUBLE Float64
TIME DateTime
CHAR String

Building and installing bridge


  1. JDK 1.8+
  2. Maven

Building script:

mvn clean package

Once build finished, you'll find target/jdbc.bridge-1.0.jar, ready to work.


sudo dpkg -i target/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge.deb

Start the service:

sudo service clickhouse-jdbc-bridge start

Configuration: /etc/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/defaults - main configuration params /etc/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/datasources.properties - list of datasources


Bridge was tested against following JDBC drivers:

  1. H2 (in-memory)
  2. SQLite
  3. MySQL
  4. PostgreSQL

To launch the tests:

mvn test

By default, tests would be launched with H2 and SQLite (cause they does not require external service). To launch with MySQL and/or PostgreSQL integration test, add following instructions:

mvn test \
-Ddatasource.mysql='jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?user=root&password=root&useSSL=false&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC' \

If you have clickhouse-local binary installed, you may specify it's full path, to launch validation of RowBinary protocol implementation:

mvn test -Dclickhouse.local.bin=/usr/bin/clickhouse-local

Without this option, all the tests would be marked incomplete.

Running bridge

java -jar jdbc.bridge-1.0.jar --help

Usage: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar /home/krash/dev/java/clickhouse-jdbc-bridge/target/jdbc.bridge-1.0.jar [options]
      File, containing specifications for connections
      Path to directory, containing JDBC drivers
      Where to redirect STDERR
      Show help message
      Port to listen on
      Default: 9019
      Host to listen on
      Default: localhost
      Log level
      Default: DEBUG
      Where to write logs

Options meaning:

--datasources a .properties file, containing so-called "aliases" for connections (see below)

--driver-path a path to a directory, containing jar-files with JDBC driver's implementation. Bridge will automatically find implementations of java.sql.Driver in each jar, and make it available for usage

--err-log-path path to file, where to redirect STDERR

--http-port a port to bind to

--listen-host a host to bind to

--log-level logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc.)

--log-path where to write logs, produced by logging facility