Energy Storage System Predictor

Data Source

  • 'ESS Data.xlsx' contains dataset for ESS installations. Obtained from : Global Energy Storage Database Projects (11-17-2020). Accessed on Jan 18 2021.
  • Data for elevation is obtained via Google Maps API. Refer to 'Get Elevation'
  • Data for temperatures (contained in '') is obtained from University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit : Absolute temperatures for the base period 1961-90 on a 5° by 5° grid (Jones et al., 1999). Refer to ''

Jupyter Notebook

  • Implements machine learning model to predict type of energy storage system based on features of
    • Rated power in kW
    • Discharge duration in hours
    • Elevation of site
    • Elevation difference (i.e. topography) of site
    • Min, max and mean temperatures of site
  • 'Model Training.ipynb' is the file used for model training
  • 'Final Model for Prediction Use' is the file to use for prediction on unseen samples


  • Packages
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • matplotlib
    • seaborn
    • sklearn
    • xgboost