
Benchmark comparison experiments for the paper "A review of algorithmic approaches for cell culture media optimization"

Primary LanguagePython


Benchmark comparison experiments for the paper "A review of algorithmic approaches for cell culture media optimization"


  1. Create conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Follow instructions to install COCO (for test functions) provided here: https://github.com/numbbo/coco

Run experiments

  1. Edit the problem constants in run_experiment.py to run the experiment of choice
  • dim : dimension of problem, choices are 5, 20, or 40
  • population : population size of each generation. For dim=5, this will be ignored if CCD or BBD DOE is chosen, and replaced by the default number as determined by the respective DOE methods
  • iteration : number of iterations
  • offset : offset value for function input, i.e. f(x) -> g(x - offset), where g is the original BBOB test function. Purpose of offset is prevent the minima solutions at x = 0, which is present in standard DOEs
  • noisy : if to add noise to function
  • noise_ratio : controls variance for gaussian noise, range [0 - 1]. y = y + N(0, y*noise)
  • replicates : number of replicates to perform per experiment
  • test_set : an interable to specify test function by ID (1-24). E.g. If test all: range(1,25), if only 1: [1]
  • methods : list of all methods used in this experiment. If a subset of methods is to be used, override this list with a custom list
  1. In the optimizer_exp conda environment, run script:
python run_experiment.py
  1. Find results stored in corresponding results folder