Successive Halving and Classification (SHAC)

Primary LanguagePython


Successive Halving and Classification (SHAC)

Implementation of "Successive Halving and Classification" optimization algorithm, following Scipy optimize syntax

# optimize function within bounds:
result = SHAC(function, bounds, init='lhs', args=None, popsize=20, maxiter=15, max_clfs=10, verbose=False, callback=None)

# view results:
result.x     # optimization solution
result.fun   # function value at solution
result.nfev  # number of function evaluations/calls made


  • function, the objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form f(x, *args), where x is the argument in the form of a 1-D array and args is a tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function.
  • bounds, bounds for variables. Iterable of length equal to dimension of x, with each element a tuple or list of (lower bound, upper bound) for the respective dimension. I.e. [[lb, ub], [lb, ub]...]
  • init, initial points generation method, one of either 'lhs', 'sobol', 'halton'. Default is 'lhs' (latin hypercube)
  • args, tuple of any additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the objective function. Default is None
  • popsize, number of samples tested each iteration. Default is 20
  • maxiter, number of iterations or successive halving before termination. Default is 15
  • max_clfs=10, max number of classifiers to be trained. Default is 10
  • verbose, whether to print information during optimization process. Default is False
  • callback, function in form callback(xk), where xk is the best solution for each iteration. Default is None

