
An online logical query rewrite demo (schema+sql only)!

Primary LanguageJava

A Demo of SQL Rewrite.



What's New?

  • July 2023: We add 100+ new rules to enhance the rewrite capability

    by zhaoyan and jianming in the single-rule branch

  • June 2023: Our demo is accepted in VLDB 2023

  • May 2022: First Commit


evolveRewrite is a learned SQL transformation tool, which takes as input a SQL query and corresponding statistics (e.g., schema, #-table rows), finds the optimal rewrite sequence and outputs an optimized rewritten query. Currently evolveRewrite is developled based on Calcite.


Note: 仅需要安装JAVA环境就可运行项目,早期的JDK版本在Calcite上有编码问题,所以建议使用JDK11以上版本。 点击查看安装文档

What Can You Do via evolveRewrite?

Code Usage

  • 可在Interllij IDEA等IDE中直接运行test。
  • 当前测试数据基于TPCH,如需修改为其它测试数据可修改src/main/schema.json中json格式的schema
  • 修改src/test文件中的testSql进行语句测试


Use Api

项目中带了HttpServer,可直接运行nohup /root/jdk-15/bin/java -jar {{输入项目路径}}/rewriter_java.jar --server.port=6336 &,端口为6336

  • api: /rewriter POST {sql: "select....", schema: {....}}



For the online version, we support datasets with different legal schema. By default we adopt TPC-H schema in evolveRewrite.


Major improvement/enhancement in future.

  • add custom rules
  • update the RA2SQL script (e.g., avoiding useless changes from the origin SQL)
  • support cost models of mainstream databases
  • verify rewriting equivalence
  • add more rewriting information in the front-end pages
  • test under more real scenarios (welcome to contact us:))


Please cite our paper if you use SQL-Rewriter in your work

  author    = {Xuanhe Zhou and
               Guoliang Li and
               Jianming Wu and
               Jiesi Liu and
               Zhaoyan Sun and
               Xinning Zhang},
  title     = {A Learned Query Rewrite System},
  journal   = {Proc. {VLDB} Endow.},
  year      = {2023},
  author    = {Xuanhe Zhou and
               Guoliang Li and
               Chengliang Chai and
               Jianhua Feng},
  title     = {A Learned Query Rewrite System using Monte Carlo Tree Search},
  journal   = {Proc. {VLDB} Endow.},
  volume    = {15},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {46--58},
  year      = {2021},

We thank all the contributors to this project, more contributors are welcome!