DEqMS is a tool for quantitative proteomic analysis

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DEqMS is a tool for quantitative proteomic analysis, developed by Yafeng Zhu @ Karolinska Institutet. Manuscript in preparation.


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DEqMS works on top of Limma. However, Limma assumes same prior variance for all genes, the function spectra.count.eBayes in DEqMS package is able to correct the biase of prior variance estimate for genes identified with different number of PSMs/peptides. It works in a similar way to the intensity-based hierarchical Bayes method (Maureen A. Sartor et al BMC Bioinformatics 2006). Outputs of spectra.count.eBayes:

object is augmented form of "fit" object from eBayes in Limma, with the additions being:

sca.t - Spectra Count Adjusted posterior t-value

sca.p - Spectra Count Adjusted posterior p-value

sca.dfprior - estimated prior degrees of freedom

sca.priorvar- estimated prior variance

sca.postvar - estimated posterior variance

loess.model - fitted model

analyze TMT labelled dataset

1. load R packages


2. Read input data and generate count table.

Since the input data used in DEqMS is PSM or peptide level data, it is highly recommended to filter them based protein level 1% FDR. (Grouping PSMs or peptides usually generate larger list of protiens) The first two columns in input table should be peptide sequence and protein/gene names, intensity values for different samples start from 3rd columns. It is important the input file is arranged in this way.

Here we analyzed a published protemoics dataset (TMT10plex labelling) in which A431 cells (human epidermoid carcinoma cell line) were treated with three different miRNA mimics (Zhou Y et al. Oncogene 2016). Pubmed

dat.psm = readRDS("./data/PXD004163.rds")
dat.psm[dat.psm == 0] <- NA # convert 0 to NA
dat.psm = na.omit(dat.psm) # remove rows with NAs

dat.psm.log = dat.psm # remove rows with NAs
dat.psm.log[,3:12] =  log2(dat.psm[,3:12])  # log2 transformation

psm.count.table = as.data.frame(table(dat.psm$gene)) # generate PSM count table

3. Generate sample annotation table.

cond = c("ctrl","miR191","miR372","miR519","ctrl",

sampleTable <- data.frame(
row.names = colnames(dat.psm)[3:12],
cond = as.factor(cond)

4. Summarization and Normalization

Choose one of the following functions to summarize peptide data to protein level. (Recommend median sweeping method)

group_col is the column number you want to group by, set 2 if genes/proteins are in second column. ref_col is the columns where reference samples are.

  1. use median sweeping method. D'Angelo G et al JPR 2017 , Herbrich SM et al JPR 2013
# median.sweeping does equal median normalization for you automatically
data.gene.nm = median.sweeping(dat.psm.log,group_col = 2)
  1. calculate relative ratio using control/reference channels as denominator and then summarize to protein level by the median of all PSMs/Peptides.
dat.gene = median.summary(dat.psm.log,group_col = 2, ref_col=c(3,7,10))
dat.gene.nm = equal.median.normalization(dat.gene)
  1. summarize using Tukey's median polish procedure
dat.gene = medpolish.summary(dat.psm.log,group_col = 2)
dat.gene.nm = equal.median.normalization(dat.gene)
  1. use Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization (FARMS) see Hochreiter S et al Bioinformatic 2007, Zhang B et al MCP 2017
# input is psm raw intensity, not log transformed values

dat.gene = farms.summary(dat.psm,group_col = 2)
dat.gene.nm = equal.median.normalization(dat.gene)

5. Differential gene expression analysis

Use the dataframe dat.gene.nm from Step 4 Summarization and Normalization as the input.

Since the genes in this data frame are aggregated from the PSM table, which has no FDR contorl at protein/gene level. it is recommended that the data frame dat.gene.nm is filtered according to a gene ID list with 1% FDR.

##skip this if you just want to follow this tutorial
genelist = read.table("example_genetable_0.01fdr.txt",header=T,sep="\t")
data.gene.nm = dat.gene.nm[rownames(dat.gene.nm) %in% genelist$gene,]

contitnue to DEqMS analysis

gene.matrix = as.matrix(dat.gene.nm)
design = model.matrix(~cond,sampleTable)

fit1 <- eBayes(lmFit(gene.matrix,design))
fit1$count <- psm.count.table[rownames(fit1$coefficients),2]  # add an attribute containing PSM/peptide count for each gene

##check the values in the vector fit1$count
##if min(fit1$count) return NA or 0, you should troubleshoot the error before you continue

fit2 = spectra.count.eBayes(fit1,coef_col=3) # two arguements, a fit object from eBayes() output, and the column number of coefficients

6. plot the fitted prior variance

Check fitted relation between piror variance and peptide/PSMs count works as expected. It should look similar to the plot below. Red curve is fitted value for prior variance, y is log pooled variances calculated for each gene.

plot.fit.curve(fit2,title="TMT10 dataset PXD004163", xlab="PSM count",type = "boxplot")

My image

7. Output the results

sca.results = output_result(fit2,coef_col=3)
write.table(sca.results, "DEqMS.analysis.out.txt", quote=F,sep="\t",row.names = F)
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B gene PSMcount sca.t sca.P.Value sca.adj.pval
-1.192424423 -0.093472789 -18.24327059 3.33E-08 0.000156241 8.895452085 ANKRD52 17 -19.01031999 4.21E-10 3.42E-06
-1.177468714 -0.051976035 -16.52824778 7.66E-08 0.000235167 8.286987366 CROT 21 -17.7744113 8.96E-10 3.42E-06
-1.241322465 0.072630242 -18.20504475 3.39E-08 0.000156241 8.882911735 TGFBR2 8 -17.43066408 1.12E-09 3.42E-06
-0.78072293 0.007763848 -13.13285085 5.22E-07 0.00096131 6.742716671 PDCD4 40 -14.34371369 9.75E-09 2.24E-05
-0.7976368 -0.000657979 -14.41697245 2.41E-07 0.000553767 7.388343266 PHLPP2 8 -12.7927884 3.42E-08 6.08E-05

Column logFC, AveExpr, t, P.Value, adj.P.Val, B are values generated from Limma. Last three columns sca.t, sca.P.Value and sca.adj.pval are values produced from spectra.count.eBayes, which takes into account the number of quantified spectra/peptides.

analyze label free dataset

1. load R packages


2. Read input data and experimental design.

Here we analyze a published label-free dataset in which they did quantitative proteomic analysis to detect proteome changes in FOXP3-overexpressed gastric cancer (GC) cells. (Pan D. et al 2017 Sci Rep) Pubmed. The data was searched by MaxQuant Software and the output file "peptides.txt" was used here. (The column "Leading razor protein" in peptides.txt table was extracted as Protein column here).

pepTable = readRDS("./data/PXD007725.rds")
exp_design = read.table("./data/PXD007725_design.txt",header = T,sep = "\t",stringsAsFactors = F)

3. Filter peptides based on missing values (DEqMS requires minimum two observations in each condition)

pepTable[pepTable==0] <- NA
pepTable$cond1_na_count  = apply(pepTable,1, function(x) sum(is.na(x[3:7])))
pepTable$cond2_na_count  = apply(pepTable,1, function(x) sum(is.na(x[3:7])))

#require missing values no more than 3 in each condition
df.pep.filter =pepTable[pepTable$cond1_na_count<3 & pepTable$cond2_na_count <3,1:12]

In our tests, imputing methods have negatively affects the statistical accuracy. Therefore, we don't impute missing values here.

4. calculate ratio using control samples and then summarize to protein level by the median of all PSMs/Peptides.

df.pep.log = df.pep.filter
df.pep.log[,3:12] = log2(df.pep.log[,3:12])

protein.df = median.summary(df.pep.log,group_col = 2,ref_col =8:12)
protein.df.nm = equal.median.normalization(protein.df)

5. Differential expression analysis

protein.matrix = as.matrix(protein.df.nm)

pep.count.table = as.data.frame(table(protein.df.nm$Protein))
rownames(pep.count.table) = pep.count.table$Var1

cond = as.factor(exp_design$condition)

design = model.matrix(~0+cond) # fitting without intercept
colnames(design) = c("AF","ANC")

fit1 = lmFit(protein.matrix,design = design)
cont <- makeContrasts(AF-ANC, levels = design)
fit2 = contrasts.fit(fit1,contrasts = cont)
fit3 <- eBayes(fit2)

fit3$count = pep.count.table[rownames(fit3$coefficients),2]

#check the values in the vector fit3$count
#if min(fit3$count) return NA or 0, you should troubleshoot the error before you continue

fit4 = spectra.count.eBayes(fit3,coef_col = 1)

6. plot the fitted prior variance

plot.loess.fit(fit4,type = "boxplot",title = "Label-free dataset PXD0007725",xlab="PSM count")

My image

7. Output the results

AF.results = output_result(fit4,coef_col = 1)
write.table(AF.results,"AF.DEqMS.results.txt",sep = "\t",row.names = F,quote=F)

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