
NestJS Starter/Example dockerized

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Content Video 1

Dockerize the NestJS starter App.

Content Video 2

  • Add a docker-compose file and run also a postgres db
  • Connect with NestJS to the db
  • Post Data && Get Data over http (to NestJS) and then save it in the db

(published on 05th of November 2020)

You need

  • NPM
  • Node.js
  • NestJS
  • Docker

Start Commands for docker-compose file

Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
docker-compose up

Start Commands for Docker

Build your image:
docker build <your path> -t <<user>/project-name>

docker run -p 8080:3000 <<user>/project-name>

For Example:
docker build <your path> -t thomas-oliver/nestjs-dockerized
docker run -p 8080:3000 thomas-oliver/nestjs-dockerized

Basic Docker Commands:
List your docker images: docker images
List your running containers: docker ps
List also stopped containers: docker ps -a Kill a running container: docker kill <id of container from docker ps (first 3 letters)>, eg docker kill fea