Primary LanguagePython

Scripts for data analysis in PIRCh-seq


The raw fastq files were aligned by tophat v2.1.0. Output bam files were transformed to BedGraph files & BigWig files through bedtools v2.25.0.

2.Basic analysis

We used 'pirch_rpkm.py' and 'pirch_rpkm_raw.py' scripts to calculate the RPKM and raw reads counts from the relevant BedGraph files. 'position_mean_bedGraph.py' was then used to get the average read coverage around introns. 'reads_count_in_diff.py' was used to count the mapped reads distribution in different annotation region, such as exon, intron, TSS, 5'UTR et al. To calculate the ChIP signal over PIRCh-enriched ncRNA TSS region, we used the 'PIRCH_average_TSS.py' script.

  • pirch_rpkm.py ref.txt chr.txt *.bedGraph out.txt
  • pirch_rpkm_raw.py ref.txt chr.txt *.bedGraph out.txt
  • position_mean_bedGraph.py ref.txt chr.txt *.bedGraph out.txt
  • reads_count_in_diff.py ref.txt chr.txt ann.txt *.bedGraph out.txt
  • PIRCH_average_TSS.py ref.txt name.txt chr.txt *.bedGraph out.txt

Example file show the the format of ref.txt, chr.txt, ann.txt and name.txt

3.Enrichment analysis

For gene set enrichment analysis(GSEA), we used the BROAD Institute softward 'GSEA' V2.0. R package 'limma' v3.38.3 was used for enrichment analysis, and the p-value cut-off was set to 0.05. Detail of limma analysis was in 'limma.R' script.

4.Data analysis

We used python 2.7 for further analysis in jupyter notebook. The main package we used are 'Pandas', 'Numpy', 'Scipy' and 'Sklearn'. Figure were drawed by 'matplotlib.pyplot' and 'seaborn'. The scirpt 'Data analysis.ipynb' consist of 4 parts: 1)Nascent transcript analysis(correlation with ChIP read count). 2) K-mean cluster and T-SNE. 3) Overlap with GRID/ChIRP/CHART/RAP result (measured by spearman corrleation). 4) Nearby coding gene expression calculation.

*Please use jupter notebook to load Data_analysis.ipynb

5.Allelic SNP analysis

The allele genome fasta file was made by GATK toolkit FastaAlternateReferenceMaker and SelectVariants V 3.6. SNPs at each gene were selected by 'refine_allele.py', which use 'position2sequence.pl' to get the sequence of gene. Relevant read counts at each SNP position were calculated by 'pirch_SNP_expression.py'. RNA structure prediction was performed by the web server 'RNAfold'.

  • position2sequence.pl fa_folder input.bed  out_SNP.txt
  • pirch_SNP_expression.py out_SNP.txt chr.txt *.bedGraph out.txt

Example file show the the format of out_SNP.txt and out.txt

6.Peak calling

Peak calling was performed by 'eCLIPgoing.py' script. The relevant scripts were involved in the same folder.

  • eCLIPgoing.py --b1 pirch_rep1.bam --b2 pirch_rep2.bam --bc1 input_rep1.bam --bc2 input_rep2.bam --pv 0.01 --rt 5 --fc 2 --extend 20 --ga ref.txt --anno transcriptAnot.pickle -i ./ -o out

7.Other data integration

  1. icSHAPE score was downloaded from previous publication, and overlap of icSHAPE result with PIRCh result was performed by 'icSHAPE_PIRCh.py'.
  2. ChIRP binding sites were calculated by scripts provided by the original paper. Calculation of histone modification around ChIRP binding sites was performed by 'ChIRP_expand_unlog.py'.
  3. To overlap the binding sites of GRID/ChIRP/CHART/RAP result with ChIP result, we used 'mpi_chirp_overlap.py' script.
  • ChIRP_expand_unlog.py ref.txt chr.txt length(int) *.bedGraph out.txt