
Tools for analyzing genome-wide RNA-chromatin interaction data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GridTools is a set of tools designed for analyzing GRID-seq data that genome-wide captures RNA-chromatin interactions.


GridTools is developed in Python 3.6.4 and compatible with Python 3.6+, with dependent libraries as below:


We recommend using conda package manager (https://conda.io/miniconda.html) to install required bioinformatics tools and packages in Bioconda (https://bioconda.github.io/). And install bwa, samtools, cutadapt, numpy, scipy, pandas, pysam, h5py:

conda install -c bioconda bwa samtools cutadapt numpy scipy pandas pysam h5py


GridTools is ready to use without any further setups in install.

cp gridtools/GridTools.py ~/bin
chmod +x ~/bin/GridTools.py 


GridTools.py [-h] [--version] {matefq,evaluate RNA,DNA,matrix,model,stats} ...

There are 7 sub-commands designed for specific functions.

sub-command function
matefq parse BAM file that mapped to GRID-seq linker to RNA-DNA mate in interleaved FASTQ file.
evaluate evaluate the RNA-DNA mates quality and quanitity from the BAM file mapped to the genome.
RNA identify chromatin-enriched RNAs.
DNA identify RNA-enriched chromatin regions in background (trans) and foreground (cis).
matrix cacluate the RNA-chromatin interation matrix.
model model the network of enhancer-promoter proximity.
stats statistics of GRID-seq data.


GridTools.py matefq [-h] -o HDF5 [-l MINLEN] [-n READNAME] bam

parse BAM file that mapped to GRID-seq linker to RNA-DNA mate in interleaved FASTQ file.

arguments option description
bam required BAM file mapped to the GRID-seq Linker.
-o/--hdf5 HDF5 required output mapping information to HDF5.
-l/--minlen MINLEN optional filter RNA-DNA mates with both RNA and DNA length >= MINLEN [default: 19].
-n/--readname READNAME optional rename the prefix of each read [default: no change].


GridTools.py matefq [-h] -o HDF5 [-k BINK] [-m WINM] -g GTF bam

evaluate the RNA-DNA mates quality and quanitity from the BAM file mapped to the genome.

arguments option description
bam required BAM file mapped to the GRID-seq Linker.
-o/--hdf5 HDF5 required output mapping information to HDF5.
-g/--gtf GTF required gene annotation in GTF format.
-k/--bink BINK optional bin size (kb) of the genome [default: 10 kb].
-m/--winm WINM optional moving window for smoothing in bins [default: 10].


GridTools.py RNA [-h] [-e EXPRS] [-s SCOPE] hdf5

identify chromatin-enriched RNAs and evaluate the gene expressoin levels as well as interaction scopes.

arguments option description
hdf5 required HDF5 file with mapping information evaluated by GridTools.
-e/--exprs EXPRS optional output file for the gene expression [default: print to the screen].
-s/--scope SCOPE optional output file for the RNA interaction scope [default: None].


GridTools.py DNA [-h] hdf5

identify RNA-enriched chromatin regions in background (trans) and foreground (cis).

arguments option description
hdf5 required HDF5 file with mapping information evaluated by GridTools.


GridTools.py stats [-h] -p PREFIX [-b] [-c] [-l] [-r] hdf5

statistics of GRID-seq data.

arguments option description
hdf5 required HDF5 file with mapping information evaluated by GridTools.
-p/--prefix PREFIX required prefix of output file names.
-b/--bases optional if output the summary of base-position information for RNA, Linker and DNA [default: No].
-c/--counts optional if output the summary of mapping information in read counts [default: No].
-l/--lengths optional if output the distribution of sequence length for RNA, Linker and DNA [default: No].
-r/--resolution optional if output the resolution information of the library [default: No].


GridTools.py matrix [-h] [-k RPK] [-x DRPK] hdf5

cacluate the RNA-chromatin interation matrix.

arguments option description
hdf5 required HDF5 file with mapping information evaluated by GridTools.
-k/--rpk RPK optional cutoff of RNA reads per kilobase in the gene body. [default: 100]
-x/--drpk DRPK optional cutoff of DNA reads per kilobase at the maximum bin [default: 10].


GridTools.py model [-h] [-k RPK] [-x DRPK] -e ELEBED [-z ZSCORE] hdf5

model the network of enhancer-promoter proximity.

arguments option description
hdf5 required HDF5 file with mapping information evaluated by GridTools.
-e/--elebed ELEBED required BED file of regulatory elements (eg. enhancers and promoters).
-k/--rpk RPK optional cutoff of RNA reads per kilobase in the gene body. [default: 100]
-x/--drpk DRPK optional cutoff of DNA reads per kilobase at the maximum bin [default: 10].
-z/--zscore ZSCORE optional z-score to filter the significant proximity [default:-10].

Simple Code Example

The test data and demo code for the GRID-seq analysis with test dataset at: http://fugenome.ucsd.edu/gridseq/datasets/gridseq.test10M.raw.fq.gz:

Demo code is in the gridtools/pipeline/Snakefile.py


The GridTools is licensed under MIT. The detailed license terms are in the LICENSE file.