
Introduction / 简介

This is a project for the 2024 Compiler Theory course design in Jilin University. We developed a compiler capable of generating intermediate and target code, supporting basic syntax including arithmetic operations, nested branches, and loops.


Team Member / 组员

Run / 运行指南

Intermediate code generation / 生成中间代码

  • Installe Flex and Bison (for Windows OS, utilized installation packages from the setup folder) and configure environment variables / 安装flex和bison(windows操作系统可以用setup文件夹中的安装包,并配置环境变量)

  • Create a new 'build' directory / 新建build文件夹

  • Execute the following commands: / 运行如下指令:

    flex -l sysy.l
    bison -d sysy.y
    g++ main.cpp lex.yy.c -o sys2koopa.exe -std=c++11
    sys2koopa output.koopa

Target code generation / 生成目标代码

Run the koopa2riscv tool provided in the setup to convert output.koopa to output.riscv by executing the following command: / 运行setup中提供的koopa2riscv,比如要将output.koopa转化为output.riscv,需执行:

./koopa2riscv output.koopa output.riscv

Perform this step in a Linux environment. / 这一步操作需要在Linux环境里进行。

Reference / 参考材料