
Awesome resources for GWENT®: The Witcher Card Game.

Awesome Gwent Awesome

Awesome resources for GWENT®: The Witcher Card Game.



  • GwentDB - Card database, community made decks.
  • Gwentify - Card database, community made decks.
  • Gwent Tracker - Desktop application providing information about your deck and opponent's.
  • Gwentlemen Team - Meta snapshot, deck guides, talkshows, game strategies.
  • Gwent.io - Card database, community made decks, leaderboard, card picker, streams.
  • GwentUp - Desktop application providing information about your deck and opponent's.
  • Custom Gwent - Web editor to create custom Gwent cards.
  • Gwent Cards Discord Bot - Discord bot that provides informations about cards.

Browser Extensions

  • Hyper Gwent - Displays a preview of card when hovering its name, abbreviation or nickname.
  • Card Finder For Gwent - Displays a preview of a card when hovering its name on Reddit, Facebook, ...
  • Reddit Gwent Card Preview - Displays a preview of a card and adds an autocomplete on Reddit.


Knowledge Base


Developer Tools




Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.



To the extent possible under law, Gabin Aureche has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.