
Prediction of crop yields using machine learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This project aims to predict winter wheat yields based on location and weather data. It is inspired by this data science challenge.

Here I briefly outline the main steps in my approach as well as my main results. A detailed report is also available: Full Report

Executive summary

A gradient-boosted decision tree regressor turned out to be the best performer. The tuned model achieved an R2 value of ~0.83 with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 5.3 (yield values in the dataset range from 10 to 80). The mean absolute percentage error is ~5%.

Technical overview

Below I outline briefly the main steps in the workflow. The Jupyter notebooks linked in each step contain the code (with comments) that was used to achieve the results.

Task Summary Notebook
Explore and clean data Exploring data structure and impute missing values. 01
Collect additional data For each location determine elevation and length-of-day at a unified date. 03
Feature engineering Construct higher-level features by characterizing each location across the season. 04
Statistical analysis High-level statistical exploration of final feature set. 05
Select algorithm Compare a number of algorithms using cross validation to identify the most promising performers for this data/feature set. 06
Tune model Tune hyper-parameters of a gradient-boosted tree regressor using cross validation, learning curves and validation curves. Find best balance between performance and bias-variance tradeoff. 06
Establish model performance Use a 30% hold-out test set to compare predicted and observed yields. 06

Future work

While the performance of the model appears quite good, a close inspection reveals that it has a tendency to under predict at high yield values (>60 observed). There is also some residual overfitting, even after careful tuning.

In future iterations, these issues could be addressed by:

  • getting more data,
  • engineering additional and/or different features, or
  • using ensemble techniques by combining the results of different models.