1. Set the environment variables Following tools have been installed in ~vagrawal/cse502-tools/bin: - verilator - gtkwave To use these tools, you need to set the environment variables - LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH a) LD_LIBRARY_PATH as /usr/local/packages/mpc-1.0.1/lib:/usr/local/packages/mpfr-3.1.2/lib:/usr/local/packages/gmp-5.1.3/lib:/usr/local/packages/gcc-4.8.1/lib64:/usr/local/lib For csh, setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/packages/mpc-1.0.1/lib:/usr/local/packages/mpfr-3.1.2/lib:/usr/local/packages/gmp-5.1.3/lib:/usr/local/packages/gcc-4.8.1/lib64:/usr/local/lib For bash, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/packages/mpc-1.0.1/lib:/usr/local/packages/mpfr-3.1.2/lib:/usr/local/packages/gmp-5.1.3/lib:/usr/local/packages/gcc-4.8.1/lib64:/usr/local/lib b) PATH as /home/stufs1/vagrawal/cse502-tools/bin:$PATH For csh, setenv PATH /home/stufs1/vagrawal/cse502-tools/bin:$PATH For bash, export PATH=/home/stufs1/vagrawal/cse502-tools/bin:$PATH 2. Building/Running the code a) Following are the commands to build and run the code make // build code make run // run code The result of running the code will be a 'trace.vcd' waveform file. You can view it using gtkwave (see instructions below). b) To change the program binary which you are decoding - Edit the following line in Makefile RUNELF=$(PWD)/prog2 3. Viewing the trace.vcd waveform You can login to the server using the -Y option. You can view waveforms using the following command: gtkwave trace.vcd