
A simple library to manage application configure

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Continuous Integration status

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While developing server application, how to config different things is really annoying. Normal approach is to put all configable things into a map, and load this map from a file. It is far from perfect because this gigantic config file might be a nightmare to maintain. When there are many developers in the team, they always keep on updating the same file.

It seems better to allow the configuration be distributed. Everytime you want to introduce a new configurable thing, you can define it in your own file, and provide value in the distributed way.

This better for fast pace development and test, but for production server, it is better to keep all the config into one file, which will maintained by server administrator.


This little library try to address this problem. To use it, put confjure 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT into your dependencies. And require it in your namespace:

(ns myns
  (:require [confjure.core :as conf]))

To define a new configurable variable:

(conf/introduce! :foo string?)
(conf/introduce! :baz fn?)

Where a configurable variable is always a keyword, and you can provide an optional validator.

While in developing, you can provide configurable values as:

(conf/provide! :test {:foo "bar"})

You then load the value of the config anywhere in your program:

(conf/value :test)

While for production, you may provide a config file to collect all:

(ns production-conf
   (:require [confjure.core :as conf]))
(conf/provide! :production
   {:foo "bar",
    :baz #(str "Hello, " %)})

You can safely require this production-conf in your bootstrap file, because it will not affect anything unless you set the system property config.env to "production".


Automatically check

The library will check all the configurable elements when the first invocation of value. If any provided value does not conform the corresponding validator, it will throw a RuntimeException.