README --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In here you will find instructions for building the project and a short description of each source file. There is quite a bit of starter code for project 3. It contains math utility functions and classes, code to load the application, code to load models, and code to handle mouse/keyboard input. Report any bugs to the TAs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building the Code --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project uses the CMake build system ( CMake is a kind of "meta build-system," in that it creates a build system for you. It supports many different build systems, ranging from Unix Makefiles to Visual Studio projects to XCode projects. 1) If you don't have CMake installed, you should install it. If you're running Linux, it should be available through your disto's package manager (apt-get, pacman, ports, etc). Windows and OSX installers can be downloaded from 2) Open up a command prompt in the "build" directory and run "cmake ../src". CMake will generate the build system in the build directory. By default, CMake will generate Makefiles on Linux and OSX and a Visual Studio project on Windows. If you'd like to change that, you can pass a different "generator" to cmake with the -G flag. A full list of generators can be found at the bottom of the output generated by running "cmake". For example, "cmake -G 'Xcode' ../src" will generate an Xcode project on OSX. 3) You can now use the build system in the "build" directory. The default target will compile everything for you, and the "install" target will copy the p2 executable to the main "p2" directory. WINDOWS NOTE: If you're using Windows, you'll have to add the "windows/bin" directory to your PATH environment variable so Windows can find the shared libraries the project will use. Note: Your program MUST COMPILE on the SCS Linux machines. If you use Windows, make sure to test on Linux well in advance of the deadline. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running the Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: p2 <scene filename> [<cubemap>] <scene filename> is a .scene file in the scenes/ folder. Instructions: Use the mouse and scroll wheel to manipulate the object. Press 'f' to take a screenshot of the current frame buffer. It is written to a file whose name is based on the current system time. Press 'y' to subdivide the meshes in the scene. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C++ Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the sake of simpler math routines and data structures, the code uses C++ over straight C. The code tries to stay away from most features of the language to keep it as simple as possible. This project attempts to break you into C++ easily. Questions about virtual functions, classes, or any C++ idioms are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Files and Directory Structure --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The code base is rather big, so here's a description of the top-level directories and every header/source file pair we give you README -- this file models/ -- models used in scenes. images/ -- textures used in scenes. scenes/ -- scenes on which to test your program. src/build/ == Build system stuff. CMakeLists.txt -- Compiler flags can be adjusted by editing the list in here. src/application/ == General application files. You can ignore all of it. application -- SDL backend, runs main loop. camera_roam -- Functions for camera control via mouse and keyboard. imageio -- Functions to load and save PNG files. opengl -- Header to include correct OpenGL headers. scene_loader -- Code to load a scene from a file. src/math/ == Math utilities. camera* -- Camera class with functions to mutate. color -- A class for RGB colors and related functions. math -- Basic header and a few generic functions. matrix -- 3D, 4D matrix classes and several related functions. quaternion -- Quaternion class and several related functions--very useful for 3D rotations. vector -- 2D, 3D, 4D vector classes and many related functions. src/scene/ == Scene-specific files and rendering. You must modify 'subdivide.cpp'. src/tinyxml/ == XML parser, used with scenes. You can ignore this.