
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

####Functionality Description

  • CeTune is a toolkit/framework to deploy, benchmark, profile and tune *Ceph cluster performance.
  • Aim to speed up the procedure of benchmarking *Ceph performance, and provide clear data charts of system metrics, latency breakdown data for users to analyze *Ceph performance.
  • CeTune provides test performance through three interfaces: block, file system and object to evaluate *Ceph.



  • one node as CeTune controller(AKA head), Other nodes as CeTune worker(AKA worker).
  • Head is able to autossh to all workers include himself, head has a 'hosts' file contains all workers info.
  • All nodes are able to connect to yum/apt-get repository and also being able to wget/curl from ceph.com.


  • Install to head:
git clone https://github.com/01org/CeTune.git

apt-get install -y python-pip pdsh unzip expect sysstat curl openjdk-7-jre haproxy python-matplotlib python-numpy python-yaml
pip install ceph-deploy argparse markdown2
apt-get install expect

#make sure head is able to autossh all worker nodes and
cd ${CeTune_PATH}/deploy/prepare-scripts; ./configure_autossh.sh ${host} ${ssh_password}
  • Install to workers:
apt-get install -y python-pip unzip sysstat curl openjdk-7-jre haproxy
apt-get install sqlite

####Start CeTune with WebUI

# install webpy python module
cd ${CeTune_PATH}/webui/ 
git clone https://github.com/webpy/webpy.git

cd webpy
python setup.py install

# run CeTune webui
cd ${CeTune_PATH}/webui/
Python webui.py

#you will see below output
root@client01:/CeTune/webui# python webui.py
  • CeTune WebUI



  • Use WebUI 'Test Configuration' Page, you can specify all the deploy and benchmark required configuration.
  • Also users are also able to directly modify conf/all.conf, conf/tuner.yaml, conf/cases.conf to do configuration.
  • Configuration helper is both under 'helper' tag, right after 'User Guide' and shows on the configuration page.
  • Below is a brief intro of all configuration files' objective:
    • conf/all.conf
      • This is a configuration file to describe cluster, benchmark.
    • conf/tuner.yaml
      • This is a configuration file to tune ceph cluster, including pool configuration, ceph.conf, disk tuning, etc.
    • conf/cases.conf
      • This is a configuration file to decide which test case to run.

####Deploy Ceph Assume ceph is installed on all nodes, this part is demonstrate the workflow of using CeTune to deploy osd and mon to bring up a healthy ceph cluster.

  • Configure nodes info under 'Cluster Configuration'

    KEY | VALUE | DESCRIPTION ------|-------|------------ clean build | true / false | Set true, clean current deployed ceph and redeploy a new cluster; Set false, try obtain current cluster layout, and add new osd to the existing cluster head | ${hostname} | Cetune controller node hostname user | root | Only support root currently enable_rgw | true / false | Set true, cetune will also deploy radosgw; Set false, only deploy osd and rbd nodes list_server | ${hostname1},${hostname2},... | List osd nodes here, split by ',' list_client | ${hostname1},${hostname2},... | List client(rbd/cosbench worker) nodes here, split by ',' list_mon | ${hostname1},${hostname2},... | List mon nodes here, split by ',' ${server_name} | ${osd_device1}:${journal_device1},${osd_device2}:${journal_device2},... | After adding nodes at 'list_server', cetune will add new lines whose key is the server's name;Add osd:journal pair to corresponding node, split by ','

  • Uncheck 'Benchmark' and only check 'Deploy', then click 'Execute'


  • WebUI will jump to 'CeTune Status' and you will about to see below console logs


####Benchmark Ceph

  • Users are able to configure disk_read_ahead, scheduler, etc at 'system' settings.
  • Ceph.conf Tuning can be added to 'Ceph Tuning', so CeTune will runtime apply to ceph cluster.
  • 'Benchmark Configuration' is how we control the benchmark process, will give a detail explaination below.
    • There are two parts under 'Benchmark Configuration'.
    • the first table is to control some basic settings like where to store result data, what data will be collected, etc.
    • The second table is to control what testcase will be run, users can add multi testcase, so all the testcases will be run one by one.

####Check Benchmark Results




####User Guidance PDF CeTune Documents Download Url