
This is a lib for parsing code in runtime. The program language is C#.

Primary LanguageC#

Lambda Parser

This is a lib for parsing code in runtime. The program language is C#.

Example1 - string concat and number calculate:

string code = "2.ToString()+(4*2)"; // C# code
Func<string> func = ExpressionParser.Compile<Func<string>>(code); // compile code
string result = func(); // result = "28"

Example2 - input parameter:

Delegate dele = ExpressionParser.Compile("(int m)=>-m");
var result = (int)dele.DynamicInvoke(10); // result = -10

Example3 - access property in anonymous type:

//using Zhucai.LambdaParser.ObjectDynamicExtension;
object obj = new { Name = "zhangsan", Id = 18 }; // maybe get [obj] from method return value
int result = obj.E<int>("Id"); // result = 18

You can view test code to explore more functions: https://github.com/zhucai/lambda-parser/blob/master/%20lambda-parser/Test_Zhucai.LambdaParser/ExpressionParserTest.cs