Companion API for the PaissaHouse plugin.

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PaissaDB is the companion API for the PaissaHouse FFXIV plugin.

Note that PaissaDB only supports game servers that are marked as public in the NA game client; this means that KR and CN servers are not supported.

API Specification

You can find the Swagger docs at https://paissadb.zhu.codes/docs.

Important: All ward IDs and plot IDs returned by PaissaDB are 0-indexed!


Note: Some endpoints expect a valid JWT (see PaissaHouse JWT below).

POST /ingest

Takes a list of packets (subclasses of schemas.ffxiv.BaseFFXIVPacket) from the game and ingests them. Requires a PaissaHouse JWT.

POST /hello

Called by PaissaHouse on startup to exchange sweeper's world and name for a session token.

class Hello:
    cid: int
    name: str
    world: str
    worldId: int

GET /worlds

Gets a list of known worlds, and for each world, returns a WorldSummary.

GET /worlds/{world_id:int}

For the specified world, returns a WorldDetail.

GET /worlds/{world_id:int}/{district_id:int}

For the specified district in the specified world, returns a list of DistrictDetail.

Websocket /ws?jwt={jwt}

Clients connected to this websocket will receive update events each time a house changes state (owned -> open or open -> sold). Connecting to the websocket requires a valid JWT.

Plot Opened

Sent each time a plot transitions from owned to opened, or is seen for the first time and is open.

    type: "plot_open";
    data: OpenPlotDetail;
Plot Update

Sent each time a plot with the lottery purchase system updates its entry count or lottery state.

    type: "plot_update";
    data: PlotUpdate;
Plot Sold

Sent each time a previously open plot transitions to owned.

    type: "plot_sold";
    data: SoldPlotDetail;

Sent every minute, to keep the websocket open. If the client does not receive a ping for >120s, it should reconnect.

Note that this ping packet is not the standard ping defined in RFC 6455 sec. 5.5.2. In addition to this ping packet, PaissaDB will send a RFC6455-compliant ping packet occasionally (and will respond to pings from clients with a pong); it is up to the client to choose which ping implementation to use.

    type: "ping";



class WorldSummary:
    id: int
    name: str


class OpenPlotDetail:
    world_id: int
    district_id: int
    ward_number: int
    plot_number: int
    size: int  # 0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = large
    price: int
    last_updated_time: float  # UNIX timestamp
    first_seen_time: float    # UNIX timestamp
    est_time_open_min: float  # UNIX timestamp; 0 for non-lottery plots
    est_time_open_max: float  # UNIX timestamp; 0 for non-lottery plots
    purchase_system: PurchaseSystem 
    lotto_entries: int | None  # None if unknown or FCFS
    lotto_phase: int | None  # None if unknown or FCFS; 1 = entry, 2 = results, 3 = unavailable until next entry phase
    lotto_phase_until: int | None  # None if unknown or FCFS; UNIX timestamp


Only sent for lottery-based plots whenever the number of lottery entries increases or the lotto phase changes or is resolved for the first time.

class PlotUpdate:
    world_id: int
    district_id: int
    ward_number: int
    plot_number: int
    size: int  # 0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = large
    price: int
    last_updated_time: float  # UNIX timestamp
    first_seen_time: float    # UNIX timestamp
    purchase_system: PurchaseSystem
    lotto_entries: int | None
    lotto_phase: int | None  # 1 = entry, 2 = results, 3 = unavailable until next entry phase
    previous_lotto_phase: int | None  # 1 = entry, 2 = results, 3 = unavailable until next entry phase
    lotto_phase_until: int | None  # UNIX timestamp


class SoldPlotDetail:
    world_id: int
    district_id: int
    ward_number: int
    plot_number: int
    size: int  # 0 = small, 1 = medium, 2 = large
    last_updated_time: float  # UNIX timestamp
    first_seen_time: float    # UNIX timestamp
    est_time_sold_min: float  # UNIX timestamp
    est_time_sold_max: float  # UNIX timestamp


The purchase system of a plot can be determined by examining the 3 lower bits of the purchase_system field. If the lowest bit is set (purchase_system & 1), it is a lottery plot; otherwise, it is an FCFS plot. If the second lowest bit is set (purchase_system & 2), the plot is available for purchase by free companies. If the third lowest bit is set (purchase_system & 4), the plot is available for purchase by individuals.

# FCFS = 0  (implicit by lack of lottery tag)


class DistrictDetail:
    id: int
    name: str
    num_open_plots: int
    oldest_plot_time: float
    open_plots: List[OpenPlotDetail]


class WorldDetail:
    id: int
    name: str
    districts: List[DistrictDetail]
    num_open_plots: int
    oldest_plot_time: float

PaissaHouse JWT

Standard JWT spec using HS256 for signature verification with the following payload:

    cid: int; // character's content ID
    iss: "PaissaDB";
    aud: "PaissaHouse";
    iat: float; // JWT generation timestamp

This JWT should be sent as an Authorization bearer header to all endpoints that require it.

Developer Notes

Q: How do I tell if a plot is available for purchase for the first time?

A: If you receive a packet that meets any of the following conditions, the packet represents the first packet sent while the plot is available for purchase, and you should send notifications to interested parties:

  1. The type is plot_open and the purchase_system is FCFS (purchase_system & 1 == 0)
  2. The type is plot_open and the purchase_system is Lottery (purchase_system & 1 == 1), and
    1. Its lotto_phase is Available (1)
  3. The type is plot_update and the purchase_system is Lottery (purchase_system & 1 == 1), and
    1. Its lotto_phase is Available (1), and
    2. Its previous_lotto_phase is not Available (1)

This means that the packet that indicates whether or not a plot is available for purchase may be a plot_open or plot_update packet, and that a plot_open packet may not represent a plot that is available for purchase.

Updating Game Data

Using SaintCoinach.Cmd, run SaintCoinach.Cmd.exe "<path to FFXIV>" rawexd and copy the following files to gamedata/:

  • HousingLandSet.csv (used to generate plotinfo)
  • PlaceName.csv (used to generate districts)
  • TerritoryType.csv (used to generate districts)
  • World.csv (used to generate worlds)

It is recommended to run this once after each patch.